oh man i miss dancing


oh man i miss dancing

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btw the text you sent me a few hours ago on Whatsapp the answer is yes let's play kiss marry kill with people we know I'll give you the hardest ones let's see Kaneki Max and Matteo 😂😂 I think I know your answers but let's see
alright...I'd probably go with the same answers as you did because I'd marry Kaneki just because he's cute and the nicest person ever sometimes he's way too nice so he's definitely bae (not offence to you of course I mean he's your bae but 😂) then I'd kiss Max because he's super funny and sometimes stupid and I'd kill Matteo because his attitude just has to go 😂😂
just wanted to say that imma, josefine and everyone else was so immature and childish doing that how old are they 5? they're supposed to be 18 they're supposed to be adult. I'm so sorry that your diary got read out loud to everyone but just remember I'm here for you and just it's your life not theirs so they cannot judge or laugh at your life everybody falls in love everybody has those secrets it's a part of life just ignore the haters they just want to annoy you more likely they wanna be you but you're beautiful strong amazing sweet funny powerful you are YOU. ❤ stay strong k?