I hope makayla does something stupid or gets kidnapped. btw as you know there is 2 people owning this hstepage I am the second owner and this is my first post on here


I hope makayla does something stupid or gets kidnapped. btw as you know there is 2 people owning this hstepage I am the second owner and this is my first post on here

2 0
please stop advertising on my page and don’t give out information that is supposed to be personal
your mean! don’t be rude, be a friend! People need friends
dumb aśš
Hello, it is highly illegal to cyber bully. PC would appreciate it if you could please take this hatepage down, because there is no need for the hàte 👍
How would u like it if someone did this to u
bro why you hating on makayla?? she is literally so nice and sweet! you DO NOT need to lower her self esteem!!!