hey! long time no see! i've been pretty busy with guard, youth group, and a couple online classes. how has everyone's summer been so far?


hey! long time no see! i've been pretty busy with guard, youth group, and a couple online classes. how has everyone's summer been so far?

11 0
you look so pretty in this! 😍
How has guard been going and how is your summer?
Ahhh I love looking at guard pictures!! my mom used to be (idk what it’s called) one of those people who twirled the baton around!!! I play an instrument but I can’t march because of my instrument that I play so this sounds so cool!
What does guard all consist of? I’ve never really thought of it before! (also sorry for the spam)
Okay thank you so much!!!! I’ll try to do that and it will hopefully get better!
Yes, it was me sorry lol 😂 I just was curious because I’m in that area as well!!!
Some of your pictures just threw me, and I felt like I knew exactly where they were taken so that was the only reason I asked lol
Oh that’s so cool!!!
model ✨💗
how are you doing?
how you doing?