guys im making a throwback back playlist what songs should i add?? i have maroon 5, katy perry, britney, and lady gaga but i need moRe


guys im making a throwback back playlist what songs should i add?? i have maroon 5, katy perry, britney, and lady gaga but i need moRe

29 0
owl city
add a ke$ha song like tik tok and add party in the usa by Miley those were my jams when I was younger
Niki Minaj
Justin Timberlake
party in the usa is always a bop add that
songs that Bruno mars is in
dynamite was a song i remember vividly. what a bop™
you're so.. gorgeous.... teach me your ways plz
owl city !2!1
umm I can't think of anymore right now sorry
you look v nice in this picture
send me the playlist when you're done with it
I need to go back to the 2000s