Am Here Don't Cry (Random)


Am Here Don't Cry (Random)

19 31
it's ok
WUT Rong?
just sad
*sighs* just...*sighs* I fill alone...and...and...never mind *looks down and walks away*
hey come back
*Shrugs* it happens to me too
*sighs* let me tell you something...have you ever been abuse..
Ya I have really
*closes eyes and then faints
I don't think I could ever have been able to do anything right
*gets up and sits on bench* well anyway I might need to go for a while
well I'm gonna watch GhostBusters the new one though
*looks at him* s-same here...I was abuse when I was mom would hit me with wires and belts with metal...and left me without eating and's amazing am still alive...
;-; *hugs you* I'm here too
*hugs back* thank you..
your my best friend
your my best friend too