Hiiiiii. I'm still here I swear! I just have responsibilities, such as work and filling out college apps...and sleeping when I'm not working😂😂


Hiiiiii. I'm still here I swear! I just have responsibilities, such as work and filling out college apps...and sleeping when I'm not working😂😂

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(I work at DQ. I'm tired 24/7. I literally eat ice cream every time I work but somehow I've managed to get smaller since I've worked there?¿ Applying for colleges is not fun. It's actually quite stressful. Stay in school, focus on your work and you'll thank yourself in the future. Apply for as many scholarships as you can and if you have time before high school or you're a freshman or even a sophomore, try a sport and put in effort to be good at it.)
"let me go get my Poké ball then" I'm dead. also daaaàmn I'm still looking for a job sigh. (this is magic_is_power btw)
OMG HEY!! LMAÖ YES, but ugh work. I love money but it's so tiring🙃 rn is a good time to be looking because college kids have to go back to school