10/11/17 I’ve been made redundant from my job. I’ve got to finish my coursework then I have to leave my job. I tried my hardest with this job, I’m going to get this qualification and that’s all that matters 💪🌋💙


10/11/17 I’ve been made redundant from my job. I’ve got to finish my coursework then I have to leave my job. I tried my hardest with this job, I’m going to get this qualification and that’s all that matters 💪🌋💙

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My boss decided that “It’s not the right job for me” and it’s a mutual decision, no hate or anything
I am allowed to stay until I find a new job, but I still need to find a new job ASAP. I haven’t done anything wrong btw, I’m about as harmful as a butterfly 🦋
Now that I need to find a new job, does anybody have any ideas at what I could be good at?