Collage by Nightcoresans235


7 37
what does that mean
no problem
oh your welcome
I have a question
sure, what is it?
my gf is getting harassed at school what should I do
well, what I would do is I would basically tell the people to stop, if they didn’t throw in some threats, and if that still doesn’t work I recommend telling a teacher then throwing the punches
I’m reckless so I would probably kick their shins then buckle in their knees, then twist their arm till they say they’ll stop, but hey I’m just a violent girl
I already told the teacher they said they would stop them but they didn’t do anything about it
and I’ve beat him up but he won’t stop
I’m very violent they bled
twist his arm so much it might break and say that if he messes with her again you won’t show such mercy
thanks your really good to talk to
no problem, glad I could help
and I’m glad your here
without you I would probably kill myself and my girlfriend would probably be mad at me
oh, I’m so glad then, I hope you never kill yourself, if you do, just wait I’ll remix it
hahahahahahaha fuuuuuuuuuuuuny I laughed so hard my mom said I am weird
and I don’t want that dude to do that just because of me killing my self even though it’s never gonna happen
no, I’d do that 🔪 tehehehe! lol, my mom calls me “the bright one” because I’m all the time in my own little world, I’m very smart (somewhat) in school, I’m terrible at math though
well thanks and you look smart
wow! same here, my mom showed me that when I was like 8, it was the first anime I have ever watched
thanks, and sorry, I’m hungry too
yas queen
no need for sorry
I’m your friend
friends don’t need to say sorry because they just don’t
ok, thanks, I’m sorry, I’m always apologizing, for like everything
your welcome?
lol, my dog wanted to play (he’s a pit bull) so I grabbed his bottom jaw and started playing tug a war
sorry I was watching assassination classroom and ate a snack
it’s ok, I’m not judging, I don’t judge cause I don’t have a law degree lol
hahahahaha fuuuuny
glad I could, and lol
I have a question
sure, what is it?
what is your fav anime
oh that is so hard
the struggle is real
yeah, I’m mainly into rom coms, I have a website posted underneath my icon, it’s my playlist of anime openings/endings that I liked or like the anime, so if you wanna find some good anime’s look there
gotta eat dinner be back in 10 to 15 minutes
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack I had a giant dinner sorry
it’s ok, I can’t wait to have my dinner I’m hungry, what did you have for dinner?
a lot of carbs I have M.M.A. tournament tomorrow
cool, hope you win? I’m sorry, the only sport I play is basket ball because I’m abnormally tall, brb gonna go eat
I’m back! yum! supper was delicious
sorry, I had seconds, it was really good, I love tuna burgers, I can’t wait for summer when the frog legs will be on sale and we can have grilled frog legs
sorry I forgot every Friday night we go to the thrift store
it’s ok, are you alright though, also, I’m sorry, not every girl is bad, take me for example, you’ll find the right one soon, you just have to look past all the bad seeds to find the apple of your eye
yup and I found one
the one who’s getting harassed
but if stuff doesn’t work out with them I think I’ll stop trying and wait for the perfect one
as I said show them no mercy!
I know
also I’m still waiting for mine, and jeez are they taking they’re time, ugh, I guess I’ll just be a hopeless romantic for the rest of my life
no you’ll find your planet in the universe
and I think I am talking to the perfect one right now I like you
maybe if my gf doesn’t work out you might be the one
it’s the truth and your welcome
uh, I don’t know what to say, I’m literally blushing
you don’t have to say anything
you ok
your welcome
this is getting very cringing
I am sorry if I embarrassed you😳
n-no it’s ok...
you kk
oh you shudder text also
y-yeah, I do that because if you were right in front of me I’d mumble on my words, look down, and blush intensely
my face is purple my tongue gets numb when I get close to a crush or something like that
my gf would flip if she saw this
I turn red as a tomato though it’s really hard to tell if I’m blushing when I blush only a bit, my cheeks are naturally really rosy so
I would probably know because I am good at telling emotions
well I am very good at hiding my emotions, hence why I’m so good at acting, I was in the school play and a lot of people said I was really good at acting, and in my head I’m like, that’s because I act every day
hmmm, Erza is mine, she hides everything too, and comes from a rough past, which makes her strong
like me
those remixes are very touchy thanks
oh, I’m sorry, I was just expressing my feelings toward my friend who is talking to me, she lives in Singapore
it’s fine
I’m sorry, I’m always apologizing, for some reason I just keep apologizing
I kinda like that it shows you care
your welcome
people kinda just get mad at me when I apologize too much
well your showing you care so I don’t get why they hate it
I don’t get why either
hey you can get very fun to talk to
thanks, people think I’m shy, that’s what I come off of, I have a closed book personality, but once you get to know me more you know I’m definitely not shy, and sorta violent, my best friends think I need a straight jacket
hehehe funny
I don’t have many friends I have four you my gf my gfs friend and her other one
lol, I have a group of seven all girls except one guy irl, sorry cat assistant in the way, anywho we are the group of misfits we are all different, like completely different
my cat is asking for attention she’s so cute, but it’s annoying, she is in front of the screen
my group just sits together in someone’s house drawing anime or watching it we are very alike except me and my gf has gone through depression either one or twice
well, my friend Emily likes Star Wars, my friend Claudia likes the Why Don’t We boys, my friend Angela loves animals, my friend Ana likes roses and writing,my friend Caden like to call himself queen, my friend dNova likes sports, and then there’s me, I like anime and stuff
my gf has an account it’s humanunderfellsans
oh, and I like horror movies along with Claudia, Ana, and sometimes Angela, my friend Emily is so overprotected by her parents, they don’t even let her watch Trolls! TROLLS!
that movie is for kids
oh I may also have to mention this, it’s embarrassing so don’t judge, I have a ton of stuffed animals, they all are taken really good care of but not Manaus girls my age still have stuffed animals, except for Angie (Angela) she has over 150 (they’re small
me too I like horror movies
ikr, her parents thought that there were too many “adult jokes” in it, idc I watch f****** IT, Annabelle, Jeepers Creepers, Evil Dead, Resident Evil, The Apparition, and other gory deadly scary movies like that
Georgie you have my boat
Georgie, Pennywise, Pennywise, Georgie see, now we aren’t strangers
hahahaha funny
Georgie want the boat? Georgie: *reaches for the boat*. Pennywise: *grabs his arm and eats it off*. (lol I’m so evil!)
still no comment on the stuffed animals? I’m sorry but getting no comment is worse then a judgy comment, I get all worried about what the other person thinks
lol, my friends think I need a straight jacket, and idky but I’m proud of it lol
here I’ll tell you who I am I’ll remix
you kk
yeah, sorry, I was trying to find some pictures of me, I don’t have many, that’s all I got, I delete all selfies I take, I say I’m too ugly that I’ll brake the iPad one day from having too many selfies
that will never happen
yeah, but I did look at a mirror once and it fell off the wall and broke lol
probably cuz you were too cute it wanted to run away
lol, no way, I’m Guly and mindless trash and I still don’t understand why I have friends or why you like me
everybody has different tastes I like you others might not
y-yeah, the group of snobs hate me idky I’ve never done anything to them
if good people are out there they wouldn’t judge you by your looks but by your feelings and emotions and thoughts
so what am I to you?
its cuz their snobs their rude don’t listen to them
a very close friend that’s what you are to me
also kinda sorta crush
ya know what it’s getting late I need to get rest I still have my M.M.A. tournament and you need to recover from all the feelings that we shared
o-ok, goodnight, and good luck! hope you win, also I’m an 8th Irish so I got good luck!🍀
talk to ya in the morning
yeah! goodnight! imma be up till like really late, maybe 2 am, maybe 6 am you’ll never but night!
kk night
I can’t go to sleep when my bell dings
oh, I’m sorry, goodnight
Good morning! and good luck! I’ll be rooting for you!
I’m back I had brunch with my fam
I’m just being depressed in my cold, dark, basement room, I mean I could turn the lights on but I don’t feel like it
well I guess this is where I have to save your live as you did to me
I just want to sleep, forever
don’t feel that way look up at the sky for a minute think about all those stars all of those stars are the people who care about you and look back down and say if I fail all the stars would fall and all the brightness to the darkness would be gone and you’ll be consumed of all your positive energy and you’ll become horrible
I’m already horrible, I’m just a terrible, shïtty person and I should just go and soak my head in bleach
I’m sorry I’m a worthless piece of trash, I’m sorry that I can never do anything right, I’m sorry for being depressed all the time, I’m sorry
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
I see no point in living only to be shot down and caged
if you’d take a walk through my life you would know, you would know how terrible the world is and why people are corrupt beings
please don’t stay alive until you get old please please please do it for me
please if the person who saved my life goes I will
kiiiiiil everyone on earth until it’s just me
I just want a break, a break from all the bad, I want to go, I just want to stop feeling, I just want something good to happen
one day your perfectly fine another day I don’t talk to you and another day your not yourself anymore
so far my life has gone down the drain, all this bad stuff is happening to me, and it’s hard, nobody cares, they just keep treating me like cräp, they don’t understand how it feels
well keep talking to me every day and it always seems to make you happy please just please
i am telling your brother about this
no not all of the bad stuff think about me and what’s happening to me
my grandma was taken from me, and she was the only person who cared, she cared enough to stop whatever she was doing to help me or to listen, I miss her so much
please just don’t if you die I’ll go into a nonstop murderer everybody will dïe
well now you have another grandma me I’ll do whatever
thanks I’m crying my heart like nothing more than dust covered by a mask which is my smile
hey Laila please just please
don’t ever think about that again
promise me
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m an emotional wreck, I’m sorry
your fine thank goodness I will never be the same if you kill yourself so don’t
I’m sorry
it’s just a lot has happened lately, and nobody seems to care, or want to listen to my problems, I’ve been depressed for about 4 years now, and suicidal for 2
well I care ok 👍
I’m sorry, I was just having so much going on, along with my grandma passing my dad is expecting me to choose his house as where I want to live but I want to be with my mom and I don’t want to hurt either of their feelings
choose from your heart
and your mom did birth you right
that’s the thing, I have a heart, but it’s more like dust of what once was a complete and happy heart
yeah, and my dad wasn’t here for most of my life but he’s trying to become a better father
but I love my mom, and she’s been worried sick about me, she’s trying to make our lives better, she’s working hard and I don’t want to hurt her, I just don’t like my step dad because he’s mean
idk, my moms done so much for me, my dad want a second chance, it’s just hard ya know, I don’t want to hurt either of them, and sometimes I think it would be better if I was never given birth to at all, then there wouldn’t be fighting over who wants me
what about your mom has you during school days and your father has you during the weekends
that’s what they do, except it’s every other weekend
oh I’m out of ideas
yeah, it’s a hard life, it just chews you up and spits you back out, over and over again
imma go take a shower brb
ok, I’m back! wow was that shower awesome! it made me relax and just says my worries away, sorry I worried you
I’m too tall for my mirror 😢 lol, it cut off half my face lol 😂
damń mirror
lol 😂 don’t worry, I’ll just take selfies, I am terrible at it but yeah, lol, also the mirror is not short, I’m just tall
lol, sorry, I finished brushing my hair
np it’s fine
I hate having my hair brushed 😠, probably because I’m more stubborn than a mule, heck a mule couldn’t make me move lol
hahahahahahaha fuuuuuny
do you watch W.W.E.
no, and thanks, I’ve been called so many names I just make up comeback to where they are speechless, like once after a basketball game at Shelton me and my friends sat down with popcorn to watch the other girls play, and a girl from Shelton came up to me and said she didn’t like me, I laughed and said,”good, I don’t like me either” and she was speechless it made me and my friends laugh
haha but why
why what?
why don’t you like yourself
oh, I guess I just don’t, I’m tall, chubby, and pretty much brain dead, ok I’m not brain dead, but I’m always off in my own little world, and I’m always trapped in my thoughts, I think I’m too negative and I’m too stubborn and harsh, I want to change but I don’t know where to start
I guess the reason I try and help others is because I don’t want them to go what I’ve gone through, but I’m so focused on saving others that I don’t even know how to save myself
maybe stop being negative then go step by step but I don’t know if it’ll work
I don’t know how to stop being negative, I can only see things from the perspective glass half empty
ya know what be yourself you don’t have to change I like you the way you are
do you know how to help stop being negative?
your fine just the way you are
go to my 32nd collage and tell me please
lol when I meow like a cat my cat thinks there’s another cat around
I remixed the remix that you made
yeah, did you see the tiny dot
there, that’s the “secret message”
ya I saw I said something
Nebraska, 10:45, a small town
nvm I live out in the country off of a small town
oh I couldn’t even do that anyway I live in Missouri
sorry 😐 I don’t think its gonna work
lol, my friends call Missouri Misery, cause my friend Claudia said it wrong once, it made me crack up
hahaha funny
lol, ikr
hello? mreow?
hello? meow?
lol mreow
one more
are you trying to make me blush or what?
no it’s how I feel
oh, well, if you were trying to make me blush, you succeeded, only a bit though, also personality trait is tsundere type b
my iPad is about to die see ya
what does tsundere type b mean
can you answer my question
oh sorry, it is like if they’re significant other does something they don’t like they’ll be angry or something like that, there’s also type a which often calls they’re other Baka or other names, example of a taiga from toradora, example of b nanami from kamisama kiss
oh so you don’t like my remixes I’ll stop
no, it isn’t that, I’m just saying if you are trying to make me blush I may not admit it and be like,”tch! nice try” but be blushing on the inside
oh I get it now
hehe sorry the topic of a tsundere is really hard to explain
my iPad is literally about to die see ya
I’m back meow
ya there
I might not be able to chat with you tonight I am having friends over
is that kk with you
yeah, I get it, I’m probably going to be driving back to my moms house
no seriously if someone said sup lil gurl I’d pick you up and run
idk if you could pick me up but seriously I would have hurt the person before you pick me up
oh I definitely could hold on I’ll remix
how much can you lift? my cousin/uncle (biological cousin, adopted uncle) Levi can deadlift 250lbs, if you can pick up that much you can definitely pick me up
I deadlift 400lbs
wow! you could so pick me up, I’m 200, only because I’m so tall ok, nothing else
gtg brb
see ya
I’m back
not much you
meow my friends here so see ya
see ya, also I’m gonna be going back to my house
hey it’s Gabe
Donovan’s friend
sup lil gurl
hey sup lil gurl
I’m Donovan’s friend
hi, um I’m Laila (pronounced Layla)
and I’m not little!
sorry Donovan said
said that
just kidding my friend dared me
it’s ok, I’m 5’10” FYI
no I am back it’s Donovan again
I’m gonna leave soon so, I may not respond
I’m back!
hey my friend is still here I might not be able to talk to you tonight
good morning
hey sorry I had some things
it’s ok, sorry, I was cleaning, I just got out of the shower
hey Laila you better answer me what’s wrong tell me now
Dinovan?! are you alright?! your worrying me!
Dinovan?!?! are you ok?!?!
y-y-ya ugh I’m hurt
what happened!?!
I got beat up
oh no! how’s your injuries are they bad?!
b-b-b-bleeding a-a-lot it was the dude who was harassing my ex
why I outta!🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
I stabbed him and he stabbed me in the eye and I am still alive but I don’t have a left eye
woah! that’s violent! are you sure your ok?!
y-ya I’m fine
*growls* he will pay, let me see, is it really ok?
n-no I I can’t
and all it looks like is a black hole
poor thing
I am wrapping it up my mom can’t see
im f-fine
you should go to the hospital, you can’t just wrap that up
yes I can I can’t feel anything remember
oh, but it could get infected, I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt, also make sure you disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol, and won’t your mom be suspicious
I am doing that right now
good, I hope it heals alright, oh I’m overloaded with worry
I am fine kk
no I’m still worried, it makes me hurt thinking about you being hurt, if I see that guy I won’t hesitate to go straight up yandere
no he’s dead I am the one who survived
*blinks rapidly*oh...
ya I ain’t losin no fight
yeah, I don’t lose fights either, but their always verbal, I’m to much of a softie to hurt others, unless they throw the first punch
but my gf
she what?
she quit me
oh, I feel bad for you
you were never together Donavon. that was for one day like 2 months ago.
it’s me I know you don’t know me and all
because your my little secret
I also watched you chase after that guy
but you dint get hurt
I watched you get in trouble by a teacher
you dint get stabbed
your only like 10
also, is see you sleeping, right now. but you are half awake
lies who the fućk are you
yeah right and you do know who I am I talked to you before only once though 😢
Donavon I was part of a lot of the stuff you menchaned. And you relized your ex got hurt once and I was the one being herasd? just a thought