Dank is only one word switcharoo from Dark


Dank is only one word switcharoo from Dark

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so aMaZiNg ✨💕✨💕✨
and haha, I come last in most of my races too😂😂 I do it for participation points or because it's usually a really hot day and I want to cool off. our house isn't too bad. we don't have many of the top school athletes but we have lots and lots of like 3rd and 4th place people (they get lots of points too) and most of our house try's really hard so we usually win on sports days😂
oh, lucky, I have more subjects this year, I have some new electives and stuff😢 I am in year 9 this year, I kinda wanna be in year 10 tho because their uniform looks way cooler (like temperature wise) that what we are wearing. I have to wear a fûgly potato sack dress😬👎 it's pattern is disgusting and it is really baggy and long. I honestly wonder who designs school uniforms😂
oh, the journals sound nice. I did buy two very cute notebooks for class but I only think they will last me one term each. I never buy loads of highlighters, sharpies and textas because number one, I always forget to bring them and number two I hate colour😂😂 I love using them because it helps me with my work but I usually use them too much and my whole page is covered in highliter and stuff
oh, well I hope your house wins athletics carnival this year😂❤️ most of my friends are in the other houses too. I only have 2 friends in my house😂😬 oh, well for our electives we could choose 2 out of the 4 arts and 2 out of the 4 technologies. for the arts there were art, multimedia arts, drama or music. I chose art and drama😂 and then for the technologies there was food technology, engineering, digital technology or Japanese (they cut out our language program but kept Japanese so now it's a technology 🙄) and I chose engineering and digital technology. my parents wouldn't let me do food technology because it is a load of garbage at our school. I didn't choose Japanese because I did german all through my school life and I don't want to change to a completely different language😂 at our school they had a program for the languages that was german, Japanese, Asia pacific studies and educational support (for those who needed it) but now the cut out german and Asia pacific studies but kept Japanese and we have to wait three more years till Chinese is introduced. they also changes educational support so the people who need it have to do it in class time and miss out on class🙄😬
what electives did you do? and omg, sorry for that mass of words😂😂
haha, your lucky with the uniforms. the senior ones actually look ok but the middle school and primary ones look dreadful😂 our sport uniforms looks really good tho
cool, I have always liked writing stuff down in notebooks, I don't particularly like typing😂 I have always preferred to just use a pen and paper. our school has done this whole 'Google school, tech school' thing and it's really annoying because you have to logon to lots of stuff just to ad something in your 'online diary' or into your 'online notebook' I am not using it cause to me it's a waste of time. I just bought loads of books to write in
there's ur wallpaper, I hope it's ok😂❤️
hey girl!!
haha, well I am glad school hasn't killed you yet😂🖤😘 it's almost killed me, there is already so much homework 📚 7:20 is very early for me cause that's usually when I wake up😂😴 I love music captain cause I do a lot of music, I am in the schools senior chior, orchestra and strings. I have to help the junior strings and chior. I am in a small onsomble, i play in my city's youth orchestra and I have cello lessons. I do a lot. 😂😬💕do you play an instrument?
I always wanted to play the flute but I was so bad at it because whenever I bow into that thing it would never work😂 it just made weird sounds. it's a pity you didn't do the groups cause you were sick! what happened?😘