I love these types of animals in fact I love all animals
Follow me plz


I love these types of animals in fact I love all animals Follow me plz

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we all know
it was just a joke
I'll punch you in the face
if Donald trump and Hilary Clinton had a baby it would be you
no you won't I got a team of people who could beat yo a**
yah bro can't be talking to my girlfreind like that
so shut yo white as up and take it down a notch because it was just a joke
dude don't talk to my girlfreind like that so shut yo trap
no it wasn't now leave me my boyfriend my ex and all of my friends alone
for real yo don't talk to people like that and that is mest up
let the lord bless you and your family and friends and you and you bf
you might be a demon your self
f*** you
who me or him
he was talking to me and I can handle it
oh that last one was me
Jorge said the veery last text he had my iPad
ok so now yur saying I am a demon?
no he was saying that
ok well f*** you then
me or him
ok but he told me it was a joke
ok but still he needs to leave people alone cuz that can get him f***** up
I was just trying to tell you to come down and take a joke
ok well don't do that
I've known him since 3rd grade
ok just don't do that mostly because I might do it
I told him not to spam you