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also maybe actually start the reverse part this week
alright. how long should the time skip be?
hm... month?
okay :)
malachi looked like a disaster. he was standing on the balcony of the apartment he had rented, cigarette in hand, staring down at the street. this past month had been hard on him. it wasn't because he couldn't figure out what was going on in this town. no, that had been fairly easy. but something had changed here, and he couldn't figure out what. and that was the real problem.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:No... this is not good...
malachi sighed and headed back inside. he put of a coat and scarf, and headed out for a walk. a very short walk though, as he decided it was too cold and that he would rather drive. || meanwhile, another demon was waiting on line at a coffee shop, unaware that he wasn't where he was supposed to be.
Luna:What’s wrong? || Mason “Dipper” Pines:My grunkle Ford and I and the reverse dimension is in ours
Among us?
for a little bit?
sorry, i can't right now, but if i have time tomorrow we can play then
malachi's drive was fairly short, as the park he had been heading to wasn't too far away. he parked his car and got out, wondering why it had to be so cold out. || by the time this happened, raziel, coffee in hand, had just left the cafe. he was also heading to the park to meet with a certain angel.
It’s fine
Mason “Dipper” Pines:It is completely fused with ors
malachi found an empty bench and sat down on it. || raziel arrived a few minutes later and sat down next to malachi as soon as he spotted him. "oh hey, would you look at that. something about you seems different."
Luna:Oh noo
malachi frowned and looked over at raziel. "i'm sorry, are you talking to me?" || raziel looked amused. "let's see...dark clothes, sunglasses, looking like you haven't slept a day in your life...looks to me like you fell."
Luna:Okay so what know
"what the hêll are you talking about?" malachi said. || "aw come on mal, what are you hiding?" raziel said before taking malachi's glasses.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:I don’t know
"what the-what are you doing?!" malachi shouted, pulling his glasses back. "who the hêll are you?" || raziel frowned. "you...don't know who i am?"
Luna Rosalyn: Okie dokie pokie
"of course i don't!" malachi said. "though you do look a bit familiar..." || "what? it's me. raziel." he said. "you know, your best friend and greatest enemy."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Yeah I know it’s bad
"i don't know a raziel." malachi said. that wasn't totally true. but he didn't want to admit that he'd killed raziel a long time ago. and this wasn't the same raziel anyway. || raziel looked incredibly confused. "is this some sort of prank mal? cause it's really not funny."
Luna Rosalyn:Very bad
"no, it's not. so why don't you tell me what's going on?" malachi said. || raziel leaned up against the back on the bench and avoided looking at malachi. "believe me, i would if i knew."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Let’s go tell all of your friends
malachi sighed. "alright well i suppose we should figure out what's going on." he said, looking over at raziel. "you clearly think you know me. so who do you think i am?" || "you're malachi. the angel sent down to keep track of things here on earth. we've known eachother for thousands of years. i..." raziel paused to think about what exactly he was going to say. "you're my best friend."
Luna Rosalyn:Okie dokie pokie!
"sorry, but that's not me." malachi said. he actually felt a little bad for raziel now. "my name is malachi, but i'm no angel. i'm a demon. prince of hêll and demon of envy to be exact." || raziel looked down at his feet. "oh."
Mason “Dipper “ Pines:Let’s go
"hey, you know, i know someone who might know what's going on." malachi said. "you can come with me if you want." || raziel smiled a little. "alright. though i gotta say, i never thought demon malachi would be nicer than angel malachi."
Luna Rosalyn:Okie dokie pokie! Who to first?
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Um... I don’t know....
"what? no! i'm a demon, i'm not nice!" malachi nearly shouted. he instantly regretted it though and hoped no one else had heard. || "sure you are." raziel said.
Luna:Well let’s go to the AOs first that way they can help us spread the word,
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Right... as they are kinda popular...
"right, well, let's get going then." malachi said, standing up and walking back to where he parked his car. || raziel followed him. "you sure you don't mind me tagging along?" he asked after a couple minutes of silence.
Luna Rosalyn:Okie dokie pokie ! || They:*leave the mystery shack*
ah wow that was fantastic timing, as malachi and raziel were just headed to the mystery shack
"nah, i don't mind." malachi said, finally reaching his car. || "oh wow...this is your car?" raziel grinned. "it's so cool!"
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Now we have to be careful because they could be listening.... || Luna Rosalyn:Okie dokie pokie!
hey, sorry i disappeared on you but i'm assuming you probably know why as the app was broken for almost everyone
malachi nodded. "yeah, it is." and then he got into the car. || raziel got in after malachi. "right. well it's a really nice ome."
it’s fine yea it broke for me too
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Let’s go
malachi shrugged. "thanks." he said, and pulled out of the parking spot.
Luna Rosalyn!:Okay!
malachi drove to the mystery shack, neither of them saying anything the entire ride.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:How about you teleport us to the AOs..
malachi parked the car outside the mystery shack and the got out and knocked on the door. raziel was once again right behind him.
Luna:*sees Malachi and Raizel*Hiya!Over here!
Sorry I just now saw your comment I was watching a movie
"aye, there ya are." malachi said, walking over to luna. "i'd like you to meet my new friend raziel. he's from an alternate universe or something. you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would ya?"
it's all good, i don't mind
Mason “Dipper” Pines:*Knew exactly what was going on but because of weirdmeggation and his 12 year old experiences he didn’t quite trust Malachi but at the same time knew he would want a explanation on what is going on he sighs in hopes that this won’t blow up in his face* The reverse dimension is combining with this dimension and there is nothing we can do about it
Okay cool, if you don’t mind me asking but are we still going to do the she-ra Rp?
malachi stared at dipper for a minute and then sighed. "yaaaaaaay that's just what i wanted to hear." || raziel frowned. "that sounds like it could potentially be very bad."
i don't know, i'll have to think about that
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Yeah, It is with my luck.... anyways my great uncle Ford and I are trying to figure out how to send them back but so far no luck...
okay I was just curious
"right. well if ya need any help just let me know, aye? i tend to be good at fixing problems." malachi said. this was a lie, but nobody actually needed to know that.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Okay but I kinda have trust issues....
malachi laughed. "oh believe me kid, they can't be worse than mine."
Mason “Dipper” Pines: Oka... The reverse dimension me and my siblings are probably the wrost to deal with....
"yeah okay so i am from this reverse dimension and i can guarantee you they're not." raziel said, crossing his arms.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Have you MET Mason Gleeful? because I have and he’s the worst
"no. but i have met reverse him." raziel said, poking malachi's arm. "and believe me when i say that he is the worst person you will ever meet."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Okay but when the Gleefuls and Bill Cipher start a weirdmeggation I’m going to have a mental breakdown...
"i'm sorry, start what now?" malachi asked
Mason “Dipper” Pines:A weirdmeggation.... It was the wrost thing that happened to me
"i'm assuming that's like armageddon but weird, aye?" malachi asked
Luna RosalynYep!
malachi nodded. "i see...that's bad. i think."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:It was.... I could never go through another one...
(So I saw on your Rp account that you were taking suggestions for Rps and knowing me I could help with that if you want to to!)
nah, that account has been dead for months. i'm probably not doing another rp.
"well, get over it, cause it looks like yer going to have to." malachi said. || "that was rather insensitive malachi." raziel pointed out
(Okay just making sure!)
Mason “Dipper” Pines:*Who is very scarred from the experience* I really hope that we don’t have to... I almost died the first time...
"i've almost died many times." malachi said. "unfortunately it's never stuck though." || raziel smacked malachi's arm. "stop that. not dying is a good thing."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:I’m sorry I just really really scarred for life
"nah, i get it." malachi shrugged. "sorry for giving ya such a hard time about it."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Thanks and its fine... || Flora & Bloom:*walks up to Luna*
“right, well anyway, we should-“ malachi stopped mid sentence and flicked his tongue out a couple times. he then looked over at raziel. “ah fxck. angel.” he said, having completely forgotten that was not something he should have said in front of everyone else.
Flora:What’s going on?
"ah-nothing! nothing at all!" malachi said, finally realizing what he had done. "you didn't hear anything. or see anything for that matter."
Luna:The reverse dimension is coming into our dimension and there could and most likely will be another weirdmeggation!
"right...that..." malachi wasn't really listening anymore. he seemed to be looking for something now.
Flora:Bad news right?
"yeah, that's great." malachi said, still focused on something else
malachi sighed and looked back at the ground. "sorry, what were you guys saying? i wasn't paying attention."
Flora:I was just wondering what was going on
"right. yeah." malachi said, pulling his coat sleeves further down. "do you guys mind if we go talk about what to do somewhere inside? where it's warm? cause i don't do well out in the cold."
Mason “Dipper” Pines:Okay
"ah, wonderful." malachi grinned. "i was starting to think i'd freeze to death out here."
Luna:*teleports them into the mystery shack*
"what the fxck?!" malachi said, looking around frantically. "what did you do?"
Luna:I teleported us into the shack...
"ah...teleportation." malachi nodded. "haven't done that in a while. didn't think humans could do it though."
Luna:I’m not human I’m a magical human there’s a difference
malachi frowned. "nah. a human's a human not matter what kind they are."
"anyway, we should probably figure out what to do about all this." malachi said. "assuming we're going to be working together that is."
"in that case we should probably get to know eachother first." malachi leaned up against a wall and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket.
"so. who exactly are you guys?" malachi shoved his hand in his pocket again, and frowned when he realized he didn't have a lighter.
Luna:I’m Luna Rosalyn a half magical human half fairy from Wolfpine! That’s Flora and Bloom my fairy besties and that’s Dipper my human boyfriend!
"wow...you are one interesting crowd." malachi said, pulling a lighter out of thin air.
Mason “Dipper” Pines:This isn’t even the whole pack... || Luna:I know I know I have a lot of people in my wolf pack
malachi was about to ask why a human would have a wolf pack, but decided he didn't really care so he just said "nice" and then lit his cigarette.
Luna:*knew what he was going to ask and just turns into her wolf form* and turns back*
malachi nodded. "ah. a shapeshifter. that makes more sense."
Luna:Technically a Wolfpineian but whatever
"if you can shapeshift you're a shapeshifter." malachi said.
"alright, well, that's taken care of so i guess we can get to work." malachi said, hoping no one would notice he and raziel hadn't introduced themselves.
Luna:What about you two Huh?
"ah. fxck. i was hoping you wouldn't notice." malachi said. "i'm alec byres. detective. most of the time at least. and i'm human." and with that his tongue flicked out again, one if the few things about him that didn't look very human at all.
Luna and Dipper:*is kinda suspicious that he is telling them the truth* || Dipper:You sure about that? Like I said I have major trust issues *mumbles*{Thanks a lot Bill}
malachi grinned. "it's probably best if we just leave it at that."
"uh...i'm raziel. also human." raziel said, though he somehow managed to look less human than malachi. and if one looked close enough, there was a faint shadow shaped like wings behind him.
raziel frowned. "i get the feeling you don't believe me either."
Luna:Eh kinda but like we have worlds to save
raziel shrugged. "that's fair."
"so what now?" malachi asked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing smoke out after it. "i mean i have literally no idea what we're up against so..."
Luna:Make a plan and figure out who we’re fighting?
"i think we're probably gonna have to reverse those steps." malachi said
Luna:Yeah yeah whatever!
malachi rolled his eyes. "do you have any idea who we're up against?"
Dipper:Maybe *starts rumbling to himself*
"wow, that's super helpful." malachi said
Luna:Dipper does that a lot
"that's weird." malachi said
Luna:Welcome to gravity falls....Every thing is weird here
"so i've noticed." malachi said, sticking his cigarette back in his mouth.
Dipper:*stops* Pretty much reverse versions of every single person in Gravity Falls
"wait does this mean you're going to kill me?" raziel asked
Dipper:No we just have to figure out how to send you back to your dimension. My great uncle Ford is working on that now
"alright fantastic." raziel grinned. "i'd rather not die you know."
Dipper:We’d never kill anyone
"i would." malachi said.
Luna:Well we wouldn’t!
malachi shrugged. "your loss."
"right, so now what?" malachi asked
Luna:Make a pan?
"ah. that." malachi nodded. and then he flicked his tongue out again. "oh no."
"raziel we've got a problem." malachi said. and then he said another word in a language the others couldn't understand.
"are you serious?" raziel asked. "here?"
"yeah, i'm pretty sure." malachi nodded. as soon as he said it, there was a knock on the door.
"i'm not getting that." malachi said, in response to the knock.
"neither am i. it's not my shack." raziel said
Dipper:*opens the door*
the person standing outside the door looked nearly identical to malachi, just without any snake features and dressed more professionaly. "is a raziel here?" they asked when they saw dipper.
with this confirmation, sort of malachi pushed passed dipper and headed inside. "raziel where have you been i've been waiting for-" he stopped when he saw real malachi. || malachi sighed. "well this is about to get very awkward."
alright i'm gonna go to sleep, see you tomorrow
okay goodnight Elisza
sorry for dissapearing for a couple days, i'll be on more either tonight or tomorrow
it’s okay and okay
heyyy i suppose we should continue this
"would someone care to explain what's going on?" not malachi asked. || raziel walked over to not malachi, grabbed his hand, and then pretty much dragged him towards the door. "i will. but not hear. i don't want you saying anything stupid in front of the humans."
"well that was interesting." malachi said
malachi kind of just stared at the others. he didn't really know what to say.
could I please have your opinion on some drawings?
yeah, of course
"so what?" malachi asked.
Flora:I don’t know
"ah. i see." malachi nodded.
quick question, is christmas going to happen in this rp?
I don’t know I haven’t really thought about that
"well....i should probably head out. do some research on this or whatever." malachi said.
Dipper: Okay
"unless we're coming up with a plan or whatever." malachi said
Dipper:I don’t know
“right, okay...” malachi sighed. “this is incredibly awkward.”
“so what do we do?” malachi asked
Dipper:Do not know
"fantastic." malachi said. "alright you guys know more about this than me. is there anything we should be preparing for?"
Dipper:A weirdmeggation and war
malachi nodded. "okay...wonderful. and is there any way of avoiding those?"
Dipper:Probably not
"right okay...yeah that's great." malachi said. he'd started twisting his ring around his finger and seemed a lot more anxious.
"okay this is a lot bigger than i had anticipated...i should probably make a few calls..." malachi said. "let people know what's going on..."
"so i'll uh...i'll be right back." malachi said, heading outside.
sorry i disappeared i couldn't see for like a week
malachi went to pull his phone out of his pocket and promptly realized it wasn't there. so he went back inside. "aye, do you have a phone i could borrow?" he asked
it’s fine
Dipper:There’s the house phone.
"that's fine." malachi said.
Dipper:Okay it’s over there *pointing to the house phone*
"great. thanks." malachi said and then picked up the phone. he dialed a number that was only three numbers instead of the usual ten.
Dipper:You’re welcome..
"hello, i need to speak to lucifer. can you do that?" malachi asked the person on the other end of the phone call.
sorry pc wouldn't let me comment what i needed to so i just remixed it
malachi looked back at everyone else. "sorry, it might take a while."
"they won't listen to me when i tell them we need to upgrade the phone system for some reason." malachi started tapping his fingers on the table next to him.
Dipper:Oh okay
"yeah." malachi nodded, and then turned back to the phone. "oh, hey luci. sorry for bothering ya, we just have a slight problem."
Dipper:A huge problem
"yeah okay a huge problem. ya see some dumb humans decided it was a good idea to leak another reality into ours. so now we're basically facing a war and another apocalypse." malachi said.
"oh great, i was so not looking forward to telling them. thank you." malachi said. "yeah, okay. yes i will. okay bye." and then he hung up and put the phone down
"great, that's taken care of now." malachi said. "so we can relax for a little while."
"what?" malachi asked
Luna:I don’t know
"okay then..." malachi said
malachi didn't say anything else. he didn't know what to say.
"should i uh...should i leave?" malachi asked. he seemed to be getting increasingly more anxious.
Dipper:Up to you
"i would love to leave but i'm afraid if i do you people are going to make the situation worse." malachi sighed. he also didn't have anywhere to go but he didn't really want to think about that.
"i don't know! i'd just rather not find out!" malachi said
Dipper: Okay
"alright uh...i'm going to leave. i need sleep after all. but i'll be back tomorrow and we can try to figure out what to do." malachi said. he didn't actually need sleep, nor did he think he would be able to get any. he just needed time to process everything.
"great, i'll see ya tomorrow then." malachi said, and with that he left.
time skip?
malachi's car pulled up to the mystery shack late the next afternoon. truth be told he had completely forgotten he was supposed to be there. he parked the car and then headed up to knock on the door.
Mabel:*nswers the door*
"heyyyy i'm back." malachi said. something was definitely off about him. he looked...a little crazier than usual. and he was smiling for once.
Mabel:*is confused*
"uh...you just gonna stand there staring at me or what?" malachi asked, leaning up against the door frame.
Mabel:I don’t know you...
"riiiiiight yeah. where are the other ones? they know me." malachi said
Mabel:I don’t know
"i told them i'd be here! that's very rude of them." malachi said
Dipper:*walks downstairs *
malachi spotted dipper and waved. "heyyyyyy it's you!"
"i was starting to get worried you weren't gonna show up." malachi said, shifting his position and nearly falling out the door.
Dipper:I live here and I was in my room I was wondering if you’d show
"ohhhh." malachi caught himself on the door frame and then stood up straight. "yeah, sorry about that. i woke up like, half an hour ago in some random hotel room. so i uh...i actually had to figure where i was."
"but i'm fine now. i think." malachi said. he was in fact not fine.
"soooo what do we do today?" malachi asked, heading inside
Dipper:I don’t know
"ah of course you don't. i don't know what i was expecting." malachi said
"right, well, i'm gonna be honest with you, i'm still very drunk so i don't know if i'll be much help with anything at the moment." malachi said
"sorry. probably wasn’t my best idea ever." malachi said
Dipper:It’s fine
"alright...uh...how about you educate me on this weirdmaggedon thing." malachi said
Dipper: Okay
"fantastic." malachi said, heading inside and sitting down on the nearest piece of furniture that wasn't meant for sitting.
Dipper:Luna can fix it *dipper mumbles to himself*
sorry i've been gone for so long
"right so...what exactly is about to happen?" malachi asked, pulling his legs up so he was sitting cross-legged.
it’s okay
Dippper:It’s a long story....
"well, i've got a lot of time." malachi said
Dipper:Okay so Bill Cipher is pretty much pure chaos and weird and all that so I’m guessing it’s going to be a big whole chaos and weirdness everywhere and with the opposite of me and my family it might be even wrost
“that’s...interesting.” malachi said. “but who’s bill cipher?”
Luna:He is a dream demon
“a dream demon, aye?” malachi frowned. “there’s no such thing as a dream demon. and i’d consider myself an expert on the topic.”
Luna:Yes there is!
“alright, i’ll humor you. what exactly does a dream demon do?” malachi asked
Dipper:Well, from our personal experiences each cipher sibling is different and Bill Cipher is pretty much gives nightmares
malachi frowned. “that’s it? sounds rather pathetic if you ask me.”
Dipper;He stole my body one time....
“yeah, possession. that’s something all demons can do.” malachi shrugged
Dipper:It was weird okay I had to be a sock puppet!
hey, i need to talk to you at some point. not right now cause i'm about to go to sleep but tomorrow maybe. it's not anything bad, i just feel like you deserve an explanation as to why i haven't been here.
and i'll respond to both the rp and your question then
okay I’m here whenever you are on
i'm actually on right now
sorry i actually have to go to the post office but i'll be back in like 15 minutes
it’s okay
oh my god i'm so sorry i git totally sidetracked
i promise i'll talk to you tomorrow
it’s okay and okay
sorry it's been a busy day but i'm here now
okay I don’t know if you are still here but I’m here now
i am
i don't know what happened there
ok hiya
i’m sorry i don’t actually think i can talk to you about this yet
it’s nothing you did i’m just mentally in a really bad place right now and i don’t think i can handle the conversation we need to have at the moment