This is all true


This is all true

41 4
What's wrong???
I hate you so fv(king much πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜–πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
I'm not suicidal
whatever when are you gonna learn to grow up plus I need to see your real picture 😀😀😀😑
because right now I'm not trusting you
That is the real me
Well, why do u and another person have the same photo
what tf are you talking about you really don't make sense
if it's you I'm gonna need other pictures of you and a better attitude with me
There's another person and name just like u babe 😍
well tell them to stop with all the identity stealing the same thing happened to my friend Johnna Paige someone keeps putting up pictures of her and she told them not to search her name on collages and click johnna Ariana she really doesn't even have a sister
Okay😍 So, can we talk about some stuff😏
only if you say sorry
I'm sorry *kisses ur check*
πŸ€”......... it's ok I guess
So u want to do something babe
*runs fingers though hair and kisses for a long time*
what should we talk about
what ever u want babe
I'm kinda mad for you almost hitting on my sister
I'm sorry babe I thought that was uπŸ˜” I love u πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹β€οΈ
Can I ask u something?
sorry I took so long Ii went to L.A fitness for a bit
Do u like me?
And it's fine beautiful
yeah y do u ask
I miss him so much sorry I brought it up but I keep living like this 😒😒
Will u be my gf
um it won't be temporary cuz I'm not sure if I want to let him go
What do u mean babe?
I'm talking about my Ex and I miss him 😒 I don't think we're gonna work maybe just friends
sorry 😭😭😭 😫 😒 I'm in Los Angeles and your.... I don't know where and I still haven't met you in person. He's been my boyfriend since first grade and I can never have that again 😒
It's Kool, I understand
😭😭😭😭 plus if you liked me that much I would know your full name and how old you are and it's way different than the way your seeing it we wasn't like anyone else I've ever been with
really how old are you anyways and what is your full name just F and L
16 Jayden Vansickel-Young
my full name is Kimmy Hays and I'm older than you so it wasn't gonna work anyway I'm 18
O okay
Sorry 😒 and I know you'll probably search for my pictures and cry but don't let it get to you that hard
How for are u from the airport?
I'm not from the airport sometimes I really don't get you πŸ˜•
How for are to the La Airport????
om fg I'm in L.A the place not an airport and I'm not from l.a I'm in L.A
I know that, I live in La
ok I'm still older and like I said I can never lose that bond I have with him plus I'm 18
What's wrong?
I hate my life right now just 24 hours ago my life was perfect "again" now it's just fv(ked up
What do u mean?
you really wouldn't understand cuz I do bad things in my life that I think make me feel better but then the next thing you know I have another problem in my hands
I know what u mean
u really don't cuz then you would understand everything else about why I even broke up with him and now I feel horrible cuz I still love him too much to let him go
I kinda have a idea
what r we even talking about now cuz all I remember is saying that we don't go together
u and ur bf
yeah I think it's time we get to a different subject
Like what?
I don't know you tell me
πŸ€” let guess...... about if your real or not cuz I searched your name and I didn't see you so I'm gonna need more than just a name
Okay like what else?
some picture that your not gonna use for a collage or just the most recent picture you have
The last one I posted is the last photo I have
the only photos you posted were your profile picture and the last one you sent now I really don't trust you I wouldn't expect you to only have two pics of yourself
I know your not who you say u r and I was extremely stupid for believing you 😒
I am who I say I am
I'm done with u