Jane was r00d äf so Jenna's forum didn't go through so I had to go through hours of labor to make one. Just search the hashtag. It might take a second to show up but it will trust me


-click- Jane was r00d äf so Jenna's forum didn't go through so I had to go through hours of labor to make one. Just search the hashtag. It might take a second to show up but it will trust me

26 0
héll yes.
we have created like 3 hashtags in the past hour.
we might have a problem. wifey, it's time to go #hashtag #rehab
#thats #probably #true
#letsblowthispopsiclestand #morelike #letsblowthisrehabcenter #andbylets #imean #beccaandjenna #thecrazybädassmarriedcouple #whousetoomanyhashtags #andwenttorehabforit #andthoughttheyblewupthecenter #butreallytheywerejusthighomhastags #theendofthestory
becca 4 pres!!
famous retired news anchor and burger advocate Becca Fárts-A-Lot runs 4 comedian & president!!!!1!!!
OH mY go D nO
@ PC why can't I comment "fárts" w out the accent??? I h0pe I don't 0ffend any1 !!!!!