I'm done every time I talk to a guy they say they've hearse bad things about me and every time I ask where they heard it from they say from Jackson well I can't take it anymore im done πŸ˜” I'm leaving ever since Jackson left me all he's done is bullied me I


I'm done every time I talk to a guy they say they've hearse bad things about me and every time I ask where they heard it from they say from Jackson well I can't take it anymore im done πŸ˜” I'm leaving ever since Jackson left me all he's done is bullied me I

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they also say they want nothing to do with me well what if there right I am just a waist of space what if I'm just here to fill a gap maybe I'm not supposed to be here
really how do u deal with it
aww I'm so sorry. Don't let what they say bring u down, you are beautiful no matter what they say
ha I guess
I actually know him tho in real
be calm and just wait your time will come I feel like I'm a waist of space but I have learned I'm here not just because I help people but because I could handle life just like youπŸ˜‰
don't ever underestimate yourself. Jackson was just the beginning of a rollercoaster called life
aw thx ur so sweet and amazing...can we be friends😊
hey wommy ~Gavin
I'm not