Collage by love_together


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This is also a stolen collage, the person’s name on it is the one who created it.
you are not my mom now shut up
This copyright
shut up
stop stealing people’s collages
you shut up
plz stop stealing poeples collages.Thx
SHUT THE …………………… UP
excuse you!
shut up
don’t tell me to shut up
I can. SHUT UP YOU 🤬
again, this isn’t yours, please don’t post without the creator’s permission. and since you’re obviously trying to act old by swearing, please also do what any mature person would do and stop reposting other people’s work thanks :)
Hey so I love that you love this collage and yes, its pretty, but its not nice to put other peoples collages on your account. now please don't cuss or tell me to shut up because I know im being a snitch but still. if you want to post other peoples pics on your account please just give them credit.
how dare you follow me then take other peoples work jeez if your jealous of THEIR collages ask them how they did it and then YOU MAKE YOUR OWN
do you want me to do it to yours
dont steal peoples pic colloges Thx
ask permission first. and don't swear. that's just bad and immature. and so is stealing other peoples collages without permission. stop and ask permission first or at least give that person the credit.
no no no no no no no no no no no
good job
if you take one of my collages I will report you to pic collage then I will block you
this isn’t your collage stop posting them
it’s not okay you could try to make better collages but instead you ask and I quote “am I pretty “
it would be different if you said shoutout to this person but your just taking their work that they worked hard on
just let her do what she want, if she wants to reposts someone’s Collage she probably got permission by the creator, you don’t know anything of what she did to be able to post it, so stop being mean to her, it’s not right I understand but she may or may not have permission, so stop being mean to her!
this is NOT convincing. You can even see @vibes_on_the_tides watermark. she is one of my friends som please delete this post
if you guys don’t like this, then get off her page and go hug a tree 🌲