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*hugs you* w-what's? wrong? what happened? tell me everything! I'm here
theres nothing wrong with you.
wdym? another? It's ok I'm sure you didn't mean it. plus how ever you broke their heart they should forgive you if they love you. right?
well wdym another. who was the other one(s)? I want to help you. *hugs you tightly*
well what happened? I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
your not terrible your just doing what you think is love. but I have to tell you this, unless you have prof of someone saying they don't like you, I wouldn't say they didn't like you. so I'm sure he likes you it's just he's not ready or he's scared you don't feel the same
*starts to tear up* please don't cry...
sounds like you need to do what I'm doing. take a break from dating 😊
how would you be a "playboy?"
WHAT? why the heck would he make you strip?! He's messed up, no offense. plus you haven't played anyone.
I'm doing it because it needs to be done!
you'll stay for me...
of course!
OMG! that's terrible!!
*hugs you* thanks
@icefox- *hugs back* no problem
@jack- He hasn' know...done the do with you...right?..
*gasps and hugs you* I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that!!
awwwwwwww!!!! so stinken cute!!
that's both scary and funny. I feel bad but your smart remarks are hilarious 😹
lol. you'd be good
even in the most terrifying moments you can crack a joke πŸ˜‚
well I'd hope you wouldn't lol. your brothers a jerk
lol true
geez your brother is weird he must spend to much time on pΓ΄rn hub
what should you have said?
poor Jack..
lol sure. your soo Manly 😏 jk
lol. are you safe from him?
*starts to cry* what?! Jack no what happened?! I can't help. please don't be upset
*cries* Jack I don't like seeing you this way..what happened?..please don't do these things..
no your not *hugs you* don't be this way..
*i stand beside jamie* hey your a psychopath too
*smiles* so am I!
*i grab a knife and hold it to my stomach* yep yep yep
what bΓ stard? I'll kill em!
fox stop! *grabs knife and throws it into wall*
*i stab myself repeatedly while laughing*
ok Jack I lied to give people mic names and this is probably a bad one but your nic name is rabbit because your name reminds me of a jack rabbit! sorry lol
*i lay still on the floor*
*i don't breathe*
hey if you two are "phycos" then we all have something in common
*i open one eye* wow I just figured out how to come back to life
*looks at you* why not
No!! stop please *cries*
*i shake my head* woah what the heck
*looks at Jack terrified* Jack please dont...
*i slap the knife out of his hands* nein!
Jack I know this is tough and you loved him but hurting yourself over a guy is just..sorry but dumb! think about how many people are out there that Could treat you so much better. they wouldn't make you upset like this.
*runs over to Jack and grabs knife* JACK STOP!! *cries hysterically*..
would Melanie want you to do this? don't you love her? realize that Caleb wasn't the right one. I'm sorry that it's hard to get over him. lots of people have these problems but hurting yourself over it is wrong! this about all the people who love you and can't live without you!
*i pass out could you *runs away crying*...
*i get up and run towards Jamie*
*cries* but I can!! I feel the pain your not! you hurting yourself hurts other more than you!
*i walk away slowly and tear up* the pain...the voices
look what you've done?! and over a guy...I'm sorry this sounds mean but it hurts me more than you! and what would Melanie think?
im sorry..
fox cool it. this is all just a mistake that we can fix. don't listen to them!
*i trip and scream in fear and freak out*
*sighs* they've won
*looks in terror as if just saw a ghost*...I don't feel like I know you both anymore?...what happening *starts to cry* what have I done!!
you need to stop! both of you!! I need to stop!! can we just calm down!
*i freeze* Jamie I thought i loved you
do you?..
*looks over and sees knife*....
*slowly moves towards knife*..
*i look at you* Jamie....don't
*cries* I don't want to....
Jack please come back..
I'm sorry
*looks at yiu* then don't
....I don't know..
*i walk to you* please don't
*looks at jack* no it's not!
*looks at both of you* we are monsters I'm dead how could I no no no
*cries* we all did this to our ken started anything...We are being eaten alive by darkness and we need to fight together
*sits down and stares at nothing*
*brings both of you into a hug* please be happy that wee got each other. be happy that your alive and don't think it's your fault. be happy for your friends that would miss you and die for you. be shoot that we have each other to go through this together
happy** not shoot
Jack this isn't you. your lying. please Jack you can control it. please
there's no such thing as no sanity
If you can still love people your sane your not full of darkness.I kneo your not
please Jack...
JACK! you can never run out of time!
Jack you love mini unicorn right? then do this for her!
*smiles a bit*...
awwwwwwwww 😘
*hugs you* what's wrong rabbit?
hey calm down. what's wrong?..
Jack. calm down. It's too late for him. If he thinks it's ok hurt you he's not the one. trust me I wouldn't go back to him. And you have a girlfriend and if you love her you'll let time take is course. don't try to rush anything hair let it happen.
Jack if you want to avoid your heart shattering leave him be. I'm sorry this is tough but I he's doing this to you are you going to want to dating him and then let it happen again? I don't want you upset and I think it's for the best. sorry
*hugs you* hey it's no problem for me. I'm glad you told me because I want to help you through this.
it's not him, it's love. it feels so good but hurts so bad.
if this is bugging you that bad, take a break from love. don't date for a month or two. well heck I'm doing it now!
I've overdosed already and I'm working with rehab.
I want to help you
the best thing you can do is try to get over him and if you can't. cut off all communication with him for awhile so your not focusing on him so much
well if you stop talking to him after awhile you'll stop falling for him.
trust me if you really wanna get over him you should stop talking to him until you move on
Jack no your not. it's mind over matter. control it. mots ate yourself with something *hugs you*
well tell him. Hey I just wanted to let you know that you really hurt me and I don't feel the same anymore. I just wanted to say you hurt me but I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel guilty after this. I just wanted to let you know the truth
them don't tell him. just don't tell to him
hmm..why songs ya like?
oh I got one. make a parody of immortals by fall out boy. and instead of immortals make it "box turtles"
lol idk my mind in weird
lol ok
and not much just eating lunch
lol. OMG!!!! WHAT KIND!! 😱😍😍
aye Jack is back!
*runs over and hugs you* hey jack. it's ok. calm down and explain everything *wipes tears of face*
no your not! what happened? it's ok to tell me anything *hugs you tighter and starts to cry* no mater what happens you'll always have a shoulder to cry on..
*wipes tears* hey everyone makes mistakes like this don't beat yourself up. the best thing you can do is be honest.*hugs you*
So how did you "cheat with the person who cheated on you?" you don't have to explain if it's personal
does your gf know?..
I wouldn't do that...
She's a girl Jack. he's going to think she did sow thing wrong and blame herself. not trying to guilt you just being honest. either stay with her or forget both.
Jack how many chances have you given him?
you don't have to. your choosing to. sorry..
I just wanna help...sorry
how do you know?
did they say so?...
well I there's someone who you think would get back with you, take the risk. That's a main part about love. Risk! πŸ˜„
plus assuming things is the worst thing you can do in a relationship
lol. just make sure that the person and you are happy before going out and asking people out
your heart might be saying that but sometimes your head is more smart than your heart. and I bet your head is talking you not to do it. Jack I'm sorry I just don't want anyone getting hurt. the easiest thing to do is let him go. I know I'm probably sounding like a jerk and I'm sorry. but he seems kinda sketchy. I know what your going through and it's super hard. it took me a year to et over him but I came into reality and just let him go. I haut what what's best for you Jack. an be mad at me
I just don't want you heartbroken again
please don't break up with her...
Jack..did you at least do I gently?... ok Jack?....
why you say that?
Jack? what's you say? why is she going to kill you?...πŸ˜₯
well if her "type" is that bad, why'd you date her?
I'm an idiot...I don't want you hurt
heh thanks. I'm just not a smart person in general β€’uβ€’
so how is going?
*hugs you* that's terrible...I hope your dad gets better...
the best thing to do is to forgive and forget. πŸ˜„
ugh jeez my stomach hurt.. ~^~
ya I'm fine my stomach is just a little grumbly. *smiles*
hi Jamie
hey *smiles and hugs you* missed you!
*hugs you back* I missed you too
so how've you been?
better than usual
why is that? *smiles*
because I'm with you *smiles*
*laughs and hugs you* you so sweet.
*smiles* not as sweet as you
*blushes lightly* oh shush.
*smiles and kisses your cheek*
*smiles and blushes a little more* so you wanna watch a movie or something?
wanna go swimming?
sure! you wanna swim on my chat post?
Aye, Jack. You there?
cuteeeeeeeeeee πŸ˜πŸ’•
Im back-nate
Ice fox likes u
I'm rockPUNNEN
I love wolfs to