
Wat do ya say besties? i have a spare account that doesnt get used? and get this lol i used a fake email so that it can. e shared! xxxx


Tap!! Wat do ya say besties? i have a spare account that doesnt get used? and get this lol i used a fake email so that it can. e shared! xxxx

13 0
I would love to!! :) 😊
Do you have Pinterest? 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
no i dont😖
um.. do you have kik?
yeah i would love too as well if hats ok?and i have kik btw which u should know lol
no sorry I don't have Kik lets just chat on here :) have you a spare email we can use to make the account?😘
other wise we can just use one of my old accs that I don't use❤️
i have a spare account. and get this, i used a fake email and it excepted coz i only have 1 email
I would love to but well I don't have anything but pc