Pagan will be on most of the Day tomorrow


Pagan will be on most of the Day tomorrow

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This post is basically telling me that you don't wanna talk to me anymore.
re// How.
I just feel like you don't wanna talk to me anymore and tht you hate me. I think that's true.
re// I'm sorry...
*nods and hugs*
I always do.
this is what happend. Tyson went for a track meet alone, not thinking anything would happen, but someone ran up onto his car window and broke the glass. the glass cut his face. and he aLao got stabbed in the leag. he should be fine
Tristen: he's fine, don't worry. he got stitches on his leg and the cut on his face is gone. you can go see him. if you want
Tristen: okay cool. *teleports him there* Tyson: *sitting on his bed. in jeans, a black shirt, beanie and has lined up earings. seems fine*
Tyson: *barley says anything and runs up to him and hugs him, tightly*
Tyson: *goes down and kisses him, pulls away at 19 seconds.* *smiles with teeth for once*
Tyson: I missed you!
Tyson: *buries his face into his chest*
Tyson: Me too!!!! *laughs*
Tyson: I was worried that you were worried about me!
Tyson: *isnt letting go*
Tyson: no.... not without you.
Tyson: *smiles*
Tyson: *holds on, tighter*
Tyson: *smiles*
Tyson: okay
Tyson: *falls asleep*
Tyson: *hugs tighter*