ALLEGIANT!!! I actually don't like the hate please


ALLEGIANT!!! I actually don't like the hate please

60 0
it was literally the most annoyingest thing when I saw it
I didn't like the railed either, it was so different to how I imagined it πŸ˜‚
*trailer😐 stupid auto correct....
I didn't like the trailer either r they on Mars? u should watch polandbananasBOOKS and jest hereafter react to it it's exactly what I thought ❀️
hehe thanks!
same I didn't like the trailer at all
NOOO YOURE ONE OF THEM!!! (sorry I don't really like Halsey.....)
okay good because there are some people I've met that kind of forced me to listen to music they liked...... thanks for being so nice πŸ’•βœ¨πŸ˜Š
I don't know if you are Christian or not (sorry if I'm making you feel awkward) but I only listen to Christian music. πŸ’•
omg I'm sorry I probably just made you feel so awkward I feel horrible!
wait did you just say hard rock omg I love hard rock
okay I've met like non Christian people who've listened/heard of this band idk they have some Christian songs.. they're called Skillet if you've heard of them.
yeah I'm listening to them right now! if you like more romancey songs listen to "Comatose" it's amazing! okay bye I'll miss you 😭😭
okay! thanks for letting me know! I'm so happy you're on right now! πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒπŸ’•βœ¨πŸ˜˜
OMG it's so early for you!
also quick question, for Christmas (sorry I'm in like a huge Christmas mood so I'm making my PC Christmas gifts now πŸ˜‚) I'm making everyone a playlist of songs they like, do you like romance songs or just like pop and rock?