Victory Call (Black Veil Brides)


Victory Call (Black Veil Brides)

24 0
Hey, Princess.
Hey, Angel
How're you? <3
Good, wby <3
I'm okay ^_^
*Hugs and kisses* Ilyssssssm
*Smiles* Ilyssm.
*smiles and holds you*
Princess <3
Yea <3
Ly :P
Ly2 :P
^_^ <3
Keely, can we sexual Rp later, cause if I get a phone we can't do sexual stuff for awhile
Please explain.
There's was this rp that i wanted to before school ends
What about the phone?
Yea, but we won't be able to do sexual stuff when I get a phone
You're getting a phone?
Why not?
My mom
Yea, I might be getting a phone
She'll check it?
What will she think of us?
Will she make up break up? Can we still talk on iPad?
She won't break us up
Can we still talk on iPad?
Ily, Princess.
Ily2, Angel
I might have to go a little earlier tonight but I might get back idk.
oh ok
*Hugs and tears up* Please be safe
Princess, I'll be okay.
If the those kids start messing with you, tell them about what I'm gonna do to them
Lol, tysm <3
Babe, are they all males, or all females, or mixed gender
it'll be hard to fight them if they're all males
The people who found my house- guys.
I'll cut their dîcks off, shove it down their throats and watch them coke on it
Wow x3
Kate, they're not that bad- I've had way worse bullies.
I remember when I was in eighth grade, a kid told me to kill myself
I haven't told anyone about it though
Ily, Kate.
Ily2, Keely
xp <3 <3
So can we do the Rp before school ends
Maybe later though
Maybe. I'm really tired.
should I let you sleep
I can't, Kate.
cause of homework?
No, just my parents won't let me. Idk why they just never let me nap after school.
Babe, I found out that I'm also ticklish on my stomach and feet
Lol :) <3 I'll remember.
^_^ <3
Kate :)
Keely :)
Kate ^_^
I wanna be yours forever 💖🔁
I wanna be yours forever <3
^_^ <3
*Holds you close* Keely
*Wraps my arms around your waist and whispers in your ear* Ilysfm
Talk tomorrow? Although, I may be back before then.
*Kisses* Ilysssssm.
*Kisses back* Ilysssssssssssfm2