And this is why I don't use crayons


And this is why I don't use crayons

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and, I'm gonna make another drawing
that's so cute
^ agreed
i'm drawing right now as well and so far it looks...
like crâp
your drawings aren't crāp, mine are XD
yes they are and no they aren't
h0i admin
what's wrong...?
when you say everything I don't exactly know what's wrong..
I'm sorry..
I-Its okay....*cries*
*hugs chu tight and wipes your tears*
*hugs you back* . . .
is there anything I could do to cheer my chubby cinnamon roll up?
I-I guess...
i shipz it
I love you more then.. ANYTHING EVER EXISTED
oH my gwaddoooodle
*blushes a little* r-really...?
of course!
toasty loves admin more than he loves barbie world
and toasty fangirls over barbie world
TRU *lel*
meaning toasty fangirls over admin all the tem
. . . .
*blushes* u-um..
...i've been depressed all day...
Can I die?
I-I just wanna be happy...*cries*
I want you to be happy to...
*le wipies your tearies*
. . .
it looks like I'm not helping....
yes you are....*cries*
*wipes your tears* I wanna help chu feel better. but idk hoe..
Rittik u okie?
...i'm fine...
........I'm sorry
for wut..
u nut okie...
being a mistake....
...i replied on your second most recent post...
and admin, you're not a mistake...
. . .
ya ur no mistake...
I feel like am though....
but your not... am I not a mistake...?
I told you yesterday...
.....I'm sorry for being a horrible girlfriend....
your not a horrible girlfriend..
......*hugs you tight*
*hugs chu tightly back..
Can you cheer me up...?
. . .
Did I do something wrong....? *tears up*
*wipies your tearies* n-no.. I was just trying to cheer you up this whole time..
idk how to make you happy.....
.....oh *cries* I'll never be happy.....
I'm sorry...........
I-its okay Toasty....
*hugs chu super tight* y-your so sweet...
*blushes a bit* T-thanks...
why are you always so nice to me...
Because I love you...
*blushes* o-oh..
*blushes* Why are you so nice too me?
b-because.. I love you to and.. Multiple reasons..
I'm glad <3
*weakly smiles* thank you...
your welcome.. *smiles back*
*snuggles with chu* You're the best...
*blushes* n-no.. your the best
ugh I feel horrible rn...
I ate too much ;-;
yall r ded.
i'm ded inside
hey toaster i might be using your megalovania lyrics in my next edit
okie that would be awesome!