Jackson won't talk to me so now I'm really leaving


Jackson won't talk to me so now I'm really leaving

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sis don't be mad ok I just didn't want to hurt you anymore ok and it goes for you too Jackson
awwwwww I love you too
your boyfriend is trying to get me to stay
who dat
that is his profile name
who tryna get u to stay
it's ck1313131 he is trying to get me to stay
I hope too but I think it is a little bit not working
I know that lol
sorry I’m just being weird
yeah I know right
it's ok lol
k lol
nothing what you doing
just makin memes and listenin to music
ohhh wow that is awesome
u being sarcastic aren’t u
no I'm not I really love music so what are you playing
I’m listening to LITTY by Tory lanez
I'm listening to rock star