Yeeeeaaaahhh, and then I’ll be like TAKE THAT! I HAVE A CORGI! AFTER 3 YEARS OF PLEADING! I HAVE MY PRISE! and now I name you wedge.


Yeeeeaaaahhh, and then I’ll be like TAKE THAT! I HAVE A CORGI! AFTER 3 YEARS OF PLEADING! I HAVE MY PRISE! and now I name you wedge.

9 0
so cute.❤️
Tysm for the follow. I am now following you 🥰
aw! tusk 2, I hope we can be friends! 😋
tysm..not TuSk!?
omg yes, I can't wait to see ur Corgi
Hello! (Sorry for the copy and paste) I am looking for guest judges in my Dsmp contest! Please consider joining as one, there is 3/4 places still open!! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Feel free to delete.
yeh me 2, but I kinda have 2 move out first so it won’t be too short 😀