I'm soooo bored. I haven't been able to get on Pic Collage because it keeps crashing but it finally started working againšŸ¤—. Also idk why I did this, like I said I was bored and Tae TaeTae is cute. But if anyone for some reason wants to use it you can.


I'm soooo bored. I haven't been able to get on Pic Collage because it keeps crashing but it finally started working againšŸ¤—. Also idk why I did this, like I said I was bored and Tae TaeTae is cute. But if anyone for some reason wants to use it you can.

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can I, Tae Tae is my bias, I love him šŸ˜
yay! thank you so much!!!
are you kidding me! itā€™s amazing!! I donā€™t see how anyone canā€™t like it!