We dissected frogs in Science, and me and my friend took out its tongue, eyeballs, heart, eggs(it was pregnant), large intestine, stomach, and pretty much every other organ :)

This edit sucks, I apologize ;-;


We dissected frogs in Science, and me and my friend took out its tongue, eyeballs, heart, eggs(it was pregnant), large intestine, stomach, and pretty much every other organ :) This edit sucks, I apologize ;-;

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I did that last year and I almost puked it smelt so bad and I didn't even wanna go near it >_____> (first word germaphob probs 😓)
@Cherry //Booplesnoot? wth??
@Cujo //It was cleaned in like, bleach, but that wasn't much better .-.
I haven't dissected an animal in three years XD
^I've dissected owl pellets, chicken legs, and frogs XD
I love this edit!!
We're gonna dissect frogs and sharks at the end of the year XD
no need to apologize! this looks amazing!
also dissecting seems kinda fun!
Hehe fank yew all fairy much :3
I've dissected owl pellets too! Me and my best friend kept the skull >:3 I was supposed to dissect chicken wings too but I was absent that day :(
amazing edit! as when I had to dissect a frog last year, I looked at it, looked at my teacher and handed it back. (I am terrified of frogs)