🖕🏻she's just plain horrible🖕🏻


🖕🏻she's just plain horrible🖕🏻

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actually no I haven't sweetie😂
why make a hate page😑ur so rude😒
plz unfollow me ur a hater and I luv her so u can just unfollow me and back up
?? she's so nice ?? and has done nothing do get this page ??? just ?? no !!
🙄🙄🙄 this is pathetic
delete your account
Unfollow me!! Hate pages are disgusting, you're just bringing hate upon yourself!!!
Leave her alone. go get a life. And congrats, all this is doing is promoting us to go check out her page. I am now following her :)
^^same lol
please unfollow me I don't like haters😕
she has done nothing why are you saying that that is so mean how can fly out do something like that
that is making me want to follow her I just did
I'm unfollowing you
that's just mean
no thanks. I really don't care what any of you think
What's your issue? This girl just got piccollage and now she has a Hatepage welcoming party. You should go to the store and buy a life. I forgot, you can't to that. Rude much?
I'm just going to sit here and watch this arguement. :')
just look at you hating on others, pathetic!
ummm hi? ok so why are you hating on people that you don't even know? why are you being mean? frankly PC has seen many hatepages over the past 3 months and TBH we're fed up with it and we don't care ab your opinion. this is hate and you should stop. do you have anything better to do in your life than hate on innocent people? is your life THAT boring? please reevaluate your life and come back with a positive opinion . have a nice day! ;)
😂😂 all of your comments make me laugh.
I don't really care about what any of you say sooo have fun commenting or reporting me. its not t going to stop me
^^^^your comments crack me up 😂 you're like 5?!? 😂
Stop you're being really rude
no really it won't because I can make another account soooo😂😂
unfollow me pls. and stop hating✋😒
no, haven't I already said that?
Haters are the worst. everyone agrees except for the haters
You are mean, horrible, and the worst person on Piccollage
What eves. I don't even know who your talking about.