I’m not the Barbie doll type sorry not sorry //Sydney


I’m not the Barbie doll type sorry not sorry //Sydney

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hello anyone ,I’m Hannah :)
it’s pretty r🅰️d to meet you, I really like your name!:,) how’Re y0u toDay ?
gr8, lmaø , thanky0u for asking
tbh, vvv boreD 🤷🏼‍♀️ watching my brother plaY baseBall and my SisTer danCe in his way , it’s pretty gr8:,)
lmaø my brothers face is priceless but he is trying to stay calm
my other sister joined my little sister:,))) im dead 💀
3 sisters (4 counting me) and 3 brothers
I got many , want to have some ?i don’t mine sharing
pretty lucky :)
you’re never lonely :(
it’s okie, it’s life :) but I’m happy so it’s alright :)
:) yeahh, siblings are gr8 sometimes and horrible other times ;),