Collage by sadbreeze


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me with literally every. single. guy. I've ever liked.
same! I have fallen in love with a lot of guys, but nobody ever seems to fall in love with me...
same... the guy I currently like is so perfect. I love him so much like he is my everything. I wanna tell him but I'm so scared he'll reject me. he's one of my best friends and I don't wanna ruin things with him by simply saying I love you.
okay I know nothing about love but I want you to try something. try to take it slow and just tell him you like him. see if he likes you back.
that's what I plan to do. I'm trying to get enough guts up to tell him. he's understanding and sweet so he'll probably be okay with it even if he doesn't like me back.
is he on PC?
he goes to my school
go for it
thanks I will. you're the best.*hugs you*
you too *hugs*