Thank u Alexa and Fleur for making me have more confidence on asking Kylie out☺️❤️


Thank u Alexa and Fleur for making me have more confidence on asking Kylie out☺️❤️

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Ur welcome loser 😂
oh wow I'm a loser now😂😂
you have always been a loser 😂
wow thanks😂😂
no problemo! any time 😂
lol right 😂
mine is really bad🙈🙈but yours is cuteeee
no it's nottt😂I like yourssss❤️
I still like yours better😂😂
but I like yours better😂😂
whatever yours is just cutest
😋😋😂I'll still love you if you agree that yours is better
nope yours is better☺️😂
whatever it's not😂I have to go for like 15 minutes bc I'm gonna make cookies I love youuu
I love youuuuu too❤️❤️
my dad thought I didn't know how to bake😐😐I'm 17 I should know how to bake by now
parents sometimes😂😂
the cookies burnt a little😂😂😩
😂😂😂I'm a terrible person
no your nottt😂
yesssss😂admit it
why not?☹️☹️☹️
because your not a bad person👀😂
I ammmmm I can't cook😂😍
so what😂I can only cook waffles and all I do is heat them up😂😂
I try and cook but it fails😂I tried to make cake once and it tasted like play-doh😂😂
it really tasted that salty😂😂
it was really hard too
I made it for my parents on Valentine's Day bc they were gone all day and I was really sad
I'm listening to this song and it says "I've got a bad feeling about this" over and over