Mirrors are one of the deadliest things one Earth next to scales. But the thing is, they can show acne, blackheads and bad hair, but the only thing that they don't show is what we need to see: INNER BEAUTY!


Mirrors are one of the deadliest things one Earth next to scales. But the thing is, they can show acne, blackheads and bad hair, but the only thing that they don't show is what we need to see: INNER BEAUTY!

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I don't know anymore
we can talk on remixes if you need/want to
there is a girl trying to hit on my boyfriend
I'm so sorry! what did she do?
good luck for what ?
she is trying to get his attention. I said back off and she ignored me and was messaging him.
just everything
if she doesn't stop then either talk to her, your boyfriend, or and adult
yeah I think he is telling the truth too but she doesn't know
she needs to talk to him