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Terrific Tuesday! Today is inspiration post! 
QOTC: Favorite collager (Need recommendations for collager of the week on newsletter! Comment below) 
AOTC: NightProwess/Leila101/Many more!!


πŸŽ‰ Tap πŸŽ‰ Terrific Tuesday! Today is inspiration post! QOTC: Favorite collager (Need recommendations for collager of the week on newsletter! Comment below) AOTC: NightProwess/Leila101/Many more!!

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you use the blur feature, but I think pc changed the blur feature so you can’t do that anymore
Okay nvm it still works it just doesn’t look as good. you do your text and then you take a screenshot of the collage. you want to blur the text and set the blurred image as the background.
pretty good!! hbu? :)
ahaha yeah πŸ˜… i’m rereading the series atm and i just discovered the musical so the phase has returned πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
how do you take off the gift?