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ah ur childish for making this acc but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️
who are u..
I never “loved” zayn I literally just met him today 😂 I was sad that he led me on but oh well?
can u fzxckin stop geez grow up I get it I must’ve hurt u. but this is childish and rude.
can u please stop!
instead of making a acc like this maybe show ur face and settle this with me maturely.
ur just mad I hurt u. u deserve better than me anyways so fxxck off.
that’s childish gosh dxmnit.
can u stop!
I’m sorry okay! I’m sorry I’m such a fxxck up and that I hurt you okay?
I don’t understand why anyone would love me anyways.
srsly I’m ugly and all I do is fxxck up right?
hahahahha soooo funny I got left karma on how I’m such a hxe hahahahahahahahahahaha
please just stop it..
I’m rly tired of this..
god dxmnit we get it whoever u are I hurt you. please just stop and talk to me privately abt this. this is childish.