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skdkkd sorry i tried to be quick so it’s a tad messy
ah tyyy
i’m good! it’s 6:53am here and i’m a tad sore from swim team last night
brazil is 5hrs ahead i think?
i’ve actually never been there... the closest i’ve home is costa rica
have u ever been to the US?
a passport?
oh ye u have to have one... crossing the boarder to the us is... fun
do u speak spanish or portugués?
lol sorry ye i change it a LOt
oOoO im taking spanish in school
i’m not great but i can understand some<333
¿es hablando mucho idiomas difíciles?
ignore my errors 😅
is speaking a lot of different languages hard?
oh ok!
i used to be bilingual since i’m half vietnamese half white and used to be able to speak both english and vietnamese but i stopped for a little while and lost it😪
i get that, it’s hard
and i feel so weird hanging out with my white family bc a lot of them r jewish and speak hebrew?(i think that’s what the language is called) and with my asain fam they all speak vietnamese and i’m here like wHAT aRE yALL sAYING
no she’s a famous instagramer
sjdkd she’s so pretty ;—;
don’t we all?
there’s always hope i’ll go through a taeyong level glow up .___.
i think it’s cute
and also a tad funny, like bag has a funny ring to it (in a good way) and it makes me smile not laugh tho
like if u switched up the word like blackmilk or vxlvetmilk it would be more elegant if that’s what ur looking fore
but i like it the way it is
u should i love milkbag it’s adorable uwu
how’s ur day been?
also it’s 12 r u in school?!?
REALLY? dang i don’t go on vacation till two weeks :((
i gtg for school~~
what time do u go to bed at?
i gtg sorry :(( ttyl
you’d be surprised by what i can ruin😅
ah i haven’t started yet sorry
idk what to add to it ;—;
i feel like a bad person if i ask u to do that tho ;—;
for me i go through a whole process when it comes to collabs and like to talk things out and make idea boards and swatches first
but i understand some people don’t like doing that, so i don’t want to force u if ur uncomfortable
it’s ok! everyone does them differently, ik katie(marksonyum) and a few other ppl do it similar to me but not everyone does
can i give u some advice to try and help?
so for me it’s best to tell them and not try to hide it
adults also like it when u act mature and own up to ur mistakes and also make a plan
so for me i’d say, “hey mom and dad... i don’t think i did very well on a recent test and i wanted u to know that upfront... i’ve already made a new study plan and have talked to the teacher about ways to improve my test taking and study habits. i’ve already reviewed the concepts i didn’t understand and i know i will do better next time and i’m sorry”
it works like 90% of the time trust me ;)
i also do that with my teachers and they usually give me extra work i can make up credit for or retake the assignment
u should try it tho when they ask and maybe they won’t punish u so severely?
i have really strict parents so i understand completely
tbh i think they r the reason i’m a more go with the flow person?
👉i hope everything turns out ok👈
np! here’s a meme to cheer u up :D
i hope so too >~<
if anything ever happens or it feels to hard u can come to me ok? if u need advice, to vent/rant, or help with hw i’m always here
ofc! u can come to me with and for anything bc i’m always here for u~~
depression is hard and i know very few people it hasn’t ever affected... we all experience varying degrees of it so please don’t think ur alone
know ur loved, i love u, so many people care sososo much about u ok? ur amazing, beautiful, and vERY talented and if u ever feel lonely in ALWAYS here for u
u can talk to me about anything and i’m here to support u and help u through this, that’s what friends r for uwu! and i hope u consider me a friend too<333
so please rant, vent, or ask me for advice i gotchu :3
r u feeling better now?
lol right sorry i forgot it’s 7am here
sorry if u don’t want to talk about it that’s fine, but u suffer from mild or severe depression?
i’m so so so sorry that must be really hard :(( i have mild panic attack disorder (diagnosed by rose tho not by a dr)
how old r u?
it’s ok! i’m 14 too uwu
gOoOoOod i mean ig there’s school for me today which sucks tho :((
ur older then me skkdkd im such a young in
i’m guessing no school for u huh?
Oof im sorry
i have a math final this week rip
the bright side is always the best side to look at
aww tyyyy🤠
i’m getting a new phone and new glasses (such a lol dork i am)
nonono im the dorkyist dork of all dorkville (the fact i say things like this proves my point
hahahahaha it’s ok 😂😂😂
although i’m like not a very well behaved student pop
ahhh i gtg for school ttyllll
pretty good~~ i just woke up so i’m kinda loopy still
thats good<333
can i ask u smth?
know ily and i don’t want to offend u or anything but i think shouldn’t do this... ik rose didn’t let u in and ik that must suck and i’m really sorry... but ik u haven’t said publicly what squad u weren’t in and that it was about a bet with a friend but... for all the people who do know what happened it’s kinda awkward bc it sounds like ur blaming us or trying to make us guilty
and i hope that isn’t ur intent but ik i sounds mean and i am not mad or upset... i’m worried it’s going to make rose upset or hurt her feelings
u don’t have to delete it
but why would u leave bc if that?
awww what does it mean?
i LIVE for instant ramen m8
then ur 1/4th asian
^or 25%
i hope txt ends up being good~~
yea i really hope they have their own style
tbh i don’t like bts
^i don’t say that to many ppl bc then everyone freaks out and all that but.... i mean they r REALLY good but i preferred their old styles and older music before they got so famous
i live in washington which is a really democratic state
tbh is rather have trump then our vice president
i’m a hardcore feminist tho, sorry
^i hope that doe st offend u
yea... tbh the electoral college is the only reason he actually won... smh... i think he is a good business man and i respect that(kinda depends on what u consider respect) but i really hate how people like him and kim jungun get into power... it’s all a messed up part of government our founder fathers tried so hard to eliminate yet look at where we r
^sorry if that made no sense Brazil and the USA probably have different ways of running government
sorry i didn’t see ur comment before but i’d love to share an acc with u
*judging and hating humanity in english and few cure words ik in spanish and vietnamese*
the electoral college is this overly complicated confusing way we vote
^the people the started the USA gov (idk why but we call them our founding fathers) came up with it so that way tyrants wouldn’t get into power and we wouldn’t have a monarchy... but with trump as our president that whole thing totally backfired and didn’t work
want me to make the bio?
i LOVE making bios smmm m8
i gtg eat breakfast
i’m so sorry u feel this way :((
ur insanely talented ok please don’t believe ur not
also, if being an idol or trainee is putting to much stress and pressure on u, then there are other options u can explore in the entertainment industry with ur talents. u could write songs, choreograph, be a trainer or coach, work as an actress, stage production, and so many more options~~
u still have so much time to learn new skills if u want to keep pressuring being a trainee and ik you’ll be able to do it!!!
how’s life?
ok ty~~
aww km sorry... that lowkey happend to me last year
but i was honestly pišsëd bc they called themselves “army” but like knew nothing smh
and i kinda get un poco bothered by solo stans.... like there are more groups then JUST bp exo and BTS GIVE THE OTHER SOME LIVE TOOOOO like sf9, golden child, ONUS OML ALL SO AMAZING BUT NO INE TALKS ABOUT THEM😭