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hey Mia I’m Gia haha
hey mia – rad pfp
yes I’d love to, I don’t have a rhyming name buddy (:
hi i’m joy
yes totally agree, whatcha up to?¿
you too :)
hahaha sounds like something I’d do lmaø n ‘m getting ready to eat dinner in a couple mins
haha goals :)
that’s so me lmaoo
anyways what’s up?
hey I’m ev, coOlio shoes
im regan. whats upp
lol my trusty ol scrunchie
aha you make it sound like I actually have style
likewisee. and same lmāo, tired on top of that which makes it worse ha
about to go to the movies
ahh but I bet they’re really cute
psh i get it, no matter how early i get to sleep im always exhausted
i’m river, lovely meeting you
ohh hello there
I had a burger
omg 😂 I feel so bad now
aww that’s so mean of them 😂
that sucks omg
ooh yeah that’s a horrible feeling. how fast do they work?
nice to meet you mia, i’m alexa but feel free to call me alex or lexi
oh okay, that’s not that bad
hi again (:
yoo im del
all is well witchu?
alright for the most part, yourself?
hey im libby
hello name rhyming buddy (: hru?¿