Collage by chanksplooned


4 35
hey I'm handling the Dan and Phil one😉you could stop by, have fun!
I guess I'm handling this one, so you can swear as much as you want, if you don't like it go see some other fandom
hi yes I'm here hello :^>
Everyone comment their favorite Melanie song(s)
Mine's Dead to Me
probably carousel
play date
Did anyone happen to see Melanie at Lollapalooza, I wasn't there but I heard about it
Yeah me too m8
i wish i went
Alphabet Boy for life😱🍼👶🏻
I've seen her live before (not bragging or anything) and it was very cool :^)
my fav song is either Mrs Potato Head or Carousel
mad hatter is my fav
who wants to stop by the Dan and Phil page *INTENSE EYEBROW WIGGLES*
Yeah I used to think he was okay, but now he's going crazy, and he's just starting drama
And he keeps making fun of the people I like, Melanie, Shane Dawson, and TONS of other people
I don't like when Onision does that stuff about Mel but I have to admit that it's pretty funny (in my opinion)
I also don't like when he shames people for not being vegetarian, some people like to eat meat, that's not a problem
Yeah I know! I'm vegetarian, but he makes people who eat meat sound like they're evil
yeh i thot onision was cool til i saw a vid of him and his gf when she lost her memory
I'm not vegetarian because I can't stand not eating meat, but sometimes I want to try doing this thing where I become vegetarian for a week
onision is someone I want to be mad at but he's funny as well so it's hard
Yeah that video where his girlfriend was having a seizure, like take her to the freaking hospital if you actually want to help her and not just get views on YouTube
I really want her music video for mad Hatter
all the best people are CrAzY
ya I tried not to laugh when he said she looked like she did drugs but I couldn't help it he's downright hilarious