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cool, thanks for answering!
hey Mabel, what if you were the first person to walk in a room and see Bipper's dead body? how would you react?
(wanna RP?)
guys, I'm real sorry but i don't think i will be answer your questions till next monday, but next monday and after ill be on a lot more!!
hi Mabel-chan! I just wanted to know....what dimension ARE there?
((sure, what rp do you have in mind?))
((sure! I'm gonna turn into the puppet, she's the only one with black hair....and I like her, she seems like Okami's bad side))
((sure! I'll post something to ask some people!))
((Nagasa's joining us))
((okay, so we'll start in a bit, right?))
((of course, let's start then!))
(( my page, I just posted something))
((who starts?))
hey, I hope you guys arnt still mad at me. I just wanted to clear things up a final time since we are doing the same rp......... I'm sorry
((hey! :)))
((oh yeah!! XD are we still gonna do it on this page?)
((cool! give me a minute so I can figure out where we were XD))
(((okie dokie)))
((ok I figured out where we were)) *also starts to drift off to sleep*
((k)) //next morning// *wakes up and yawns*
what the-- *gets up and runs downstairs*
*stays asleep and cuddles with stuffed animal*
*sees that he's fine and relaxes* geez, you scared me man. *runs hand through his hair then grabs his hat and puts it on*
*wakes u and walks downstairs still in pjs holding her stuffed animal rubbing eyes* good morning..
morning Mabel. *yawns* did you have any more nightmares last night?
n-no..*hides something on her hand with sleeve*
(((Bipper, this is where the dream with bill in it came from)))
*raises eyebrows* what's on your hand?
nothing, its just my hand!
*still doesn't believe her but nods* alright... ((pauses I think cuz I'm studying for finals *groan*))
((( you has to go?)))
((no no I'm still on responses just might be a tiny bit slower))
((okay)) *nervously smiles at him* yep..
does anybody want some most-likely not burnt pancakes?
Bippy? you okay?
I'm still working on the cooking thing..they probably won't be burnt..and i probably won't burn the shack down// hehe
*shrugs* alright, sounds good to me.
you've never had a pancake!??!?! OH MY GLOBEFISH YOU GGOTTA TRY ONE!! they are like..unicorns and happiness and rainbows!! hold on! *runs into kitchen and starts making pancakes*
*starts humming along without realizing it*
*comes out a few minutes later and gives them all slightly burned pancakes* here!! *is really happy* i think i made those right.. I think you put salt in them..
*raises eyebrow and grabs a plate*
*blushes and looks down* alright, sorry...
*smiles* your welcome!! *oven bit accidentally comes off and you see writing on her hand but she its it bak on before you can read it*
puts it back* (((but is writing)))
wut* I'm done.
nothing!!!! its uh,,nothing!! *the writing says "the dream is real-bill"*
hey! *glares at him and pushes him away* get your hands off my sister.
bill??? not again...*facepalms*
*glares and tries the push him away then realizes it's Bill*
*manages to pull away from him and glares* what do you want?
*crosses arms* i only like the body your in when its got the right person in it!!
*glances at Dipper then back at Bipper* well, i don't.
h-hey! *looks down* I never said that...
s-shut up! that's n-not important!
just, leave us alone Bill.. please..and stop messing with your son, its not a-okay!
no, that's not what I meant! *groans in frustration*
NO, BILL!!! *runs after him and grabs his arm and attempts to pull him back*
*helps mabel*
((well, I think bip isn't gonna be on again tonite, so I think I'm gonna log off for the rest of the night too. night mabes!))
(((alrighty then, goodnight!))
((wanna start a new, well, sort of new rp? it'll still be the same plot, I'll be the puppet, and you guys will try to survive))
((okay! ๏ผˆโ‰งโˆ‡โ‰ฆ)))
((definitely! sorry it took so long to respond, my notifications don't show up in the activity sometimes :/))
((ah, alright! that's fine! :) I should be studying anyway XD but yeah, continue tomorrow! I'll try to get on earlier tomorrow ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ))
((thanks!! goodnight!))
(((helloizers!! okay, we just gotta wait for star now)))
(((mabels gotta do something bad to go to saint os.. i have no idea what to make her do!! steal something?? break in somewhere? try to murder gideon?? i dunno)))
(((okay i will do that)))
(((oh okay, whats your plan?)))
(((wait, plan or kill gideon!?)))
(((okay! we can do that!)))
(((for what? i would smash that tea cup, they couldnt get the originality out of me no matter how hard they try! best they could do it get me in a fancy dress and a superman jacket. like seriously, if they take my jacket they are gonna die. sorry, i talk to much lol)))
(((i dont know..maybe you could come try to find us and our originality is already gone and you gotta get us back to normal?)))
(((what else do they say besides the tea and pinkies thing?)))
(((okay, and they are just really creepy and fancy too,right?)))
*reading magazine about several times and looks up* oh, hi Star!
Hey Bipper! *waves at him*
*jumps off of counter and goes over to Star and looks at eyes* who knows? its the mystery shack, its probably fake.
um..Star? *whispers to her* who are these fat dudes? and why do they wanna take you away?
*looks confused* what is going on..
what!?!? *attempts to escape*
saint.. os? what?
AHH!! Let us go you fat..armory..guys!
*trys to get out of his hand but can't*
ssuurrre..... go with that.
AHH! N- *gets cut off*
*outside of saint os* oh my globfsh..*lighting strikes and squeaks a little* no wonder your scared of this place..
no way star! I'm not letting you in this stotter house thing by yourself
*points to princesses* who are they...
((nvm)) proper??
i can't be proper..i trip over like everything..
(((nvm))) i think she means ms.hideos.. *whispers to star*
(((yeah, probably. )))
WHAT IS THAT?!? *points to it and looks scared* WERE NOT FRANKENSTEIN!
(((yeah..goodbye star and mabels originality..)))
*starts crying out of fear* I DONT WANNA BE PROPER!!
*sees Bipper and whispers* Bippy..?
*looks really scared at tv and eyes get those red lines in them* it much..
Star?!? dont listen to it! do- *has no expression too*
*starts talking with no inflection* keep your pinkies at 90..NO!..degrees, more tea, please
(((no..what is it?)))
*talks while being carried away* fighting, is not the solution. simply say..please, and thank you!
*keeps repeating till they are to far away to be heard* please, and thank you. please, and thank you.
*you suddenly hear yelling* WAIT, PROPERNESS? NO WAY! LET US GO YOU FREAK! *you hear a hard slap and then just please and thank you's again*
(((i gtg, i'll be on later at 10 or 11)))