Sometimes I don’t know


Sometimes I don’t know

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that is pretty
Ooo I like this
Hi kat
Ooo I love this
Hhahahahaahah we found a way to comment and read but we still can’t remix
We can only like and comment
hey roxy I’m sry
1,2 Freddys coming for u 3,4 shut the door 5,6 get a crucifix 7,8 better stay up late 9 10 you’ll never sleep again
Lol 😂 Gracie
Ugh whatever Tom we aren’t you friend bc you cheated on kat
So stop
okay pls do this somewhere else Bc I don’t want to deal with this right now
I don’t cheat on people
ok kat
Hi kat
I got it to work now
hey kat
😡 I’m gonna leave now
who are you
I’m Jaytont
hi guys
anyone here
I like lollipop
well you shouldn’t have did that
you love Zoe better sooooooooo yeah
Hi what’s going on
what do you mean
no what I’m not going to start anything cause kat said do it somewhere else
yeah she did
abortion isnt always a bad thing
what did he promise and actually do also (besides the wall)
indont want bays to die id rather them be born but abrotions needs to be an option also every time you have a period an overy leave ur body aka a posible life do want biden to sudonly ban periods
also the foster sistem is horrible if you want less abortion make better child support plans and improve the foster program
let me make the meeting
just saying doesn’t care about any one but him self
biden cares for those who voted for him and those you did not
also less people will die under biden than under trump
okay I’m done bye
also not bidens falt your moving ok
yes it is
sorry need to move it would make more sence if you told me why biden made you move but if you dont want to thats ok
he raised our taxes and shut my dads business down now we can’t make any money and it takes forever to get another job
boo biden
oh kat meetings made
hes not president yet meaning policys have not taken action but look on the bright side if he raised your taxes that means you make over 400k a year also your taxes will not be raised until ingeration and ONLY IF YOU MAKE OVER 400K A YEAR
what ever biden sucks
well we don’t
hey kat join my meeting
boo biden he’s hiding something
go to our group chat
so ur saying you dont make over 400k a year if so you taxes will not be raised
so now that ive shown you some of the lies trump and fox news have told you ill be on my way bye make shore to wear a mask
trump may not be the best for you but the last 4 years had been awesome
oh my god I don’t want to deal with this anymore
okay look at our chat kat
the last 4 years have been terible
Trump accepts abortion, and his wife does too. He thinks it’s a woman's rights... so killing her baby who hasn't been born yet is a Woman's rights!? He is also very racist, especially to African Americans and Mexican Americans, he will say racist things in his speeches, and he is trying to send all African Americans back to Africa, which most of them aren't Africans, they are Americans because they we’re born here. And he is trying to get rid of the Mexicans also. In this election, he is suing Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan because he lost those states. And he doesn’t accept Gays and LGBTQ+🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈. And he is homophobic, so don’t vote for him. And did you hear that Biden is only raising taxes for millionaires because there taking money from middle class people, that’s me, and people from the bottom. Trump has been lying to us so much. Do you want a racist,homophobic, rude, lying, will let a woman kill there unborn child, trying to send races back to there culture, and being a horrible, terrible President!? If you don’t then I advise you not to vote for him/ like him. And all of this is true, I assure you! Please reconsider💖
okay well I’m sorry I was stating my opinion I don’t need everyone comings at me
what she said us Americans should be able to state what we choose
hey I responded
Also you said that it was Biden’s fault you had to move, it isn’t. Biden can’t raise taxes if he isn’t president yet. Well he is but trump is still in the White House so it isn’t official. Trump raised your taxes because only the president can raise it. So thank trump for that.
okay just stop
k bye but just stop the misinformation
I’m so sorry if I made you feel bad🥺😖!! I respect your feelings and I’m very very sorry🥺💖
i wasn’t asking for an apology im sorry truly sorry
your opinion is valid tho you can think what you think
so u like me
what 😱
lol that’s crazy 😂