Collage by camquotes


22 10
hey sorry i went to sleep
I did what about it
I didπŸ˜‚
yes congrats
there's got to be more to you than just boys
I mean all u tlk about is boys I like to tlk about then too but I would also like to get to know u And what your favorite color is
lol thank you
love them and icecream
no way ! that's like all we eat in America what about cheese burgers
okAy good what's your favorite restraunt
yes I lived off of that in middle school
pizza inn or Anita's
yassss idk if u guys have the gas station qt but they have really good food
well find out and if u do go get a milkshake there . they r so good!
if I could marry a milkshake I would
I'd keep him in my tummy foreverπŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
really? you are so different I love itπŸ˜‚
vanilla her name would be Snow White
that was for the milkshake πŸ˜‚ and I don't like tomatoes like is it a fruit or veggie
oh it should just be its own category
haha do u read any books
same I'm trying to read paper towns rn
okay bye
oh no your fine
fault in our stars, the other woman , ahh there's so many
an 18?
oh like rated r
ahh that's awesome
gtg back to sleep tlk to u when I wake
good morning well for me congrats for you!
ok ok
not true
no school today for me
Memorial Day
it's a day to celebrate ppl who have served in the u.s. military
yea :) how was school
what's that
do u like him?
oh well isn't he stupid missing out on a girl like you
primary? πŸ˜‚what is that
we have elementry school then middle school then high school then college
omg do u have a British accent 😍
do u have the accent
swanky ? omg if u do 😱us Americans dig the accents
wait holly wait don't be a how
it's sexy
no I said don't be one
don't siduice him with your accent πŸ˜‚
that boy
if I were him I would make u tlk all the time πŸ˜‚
omg I'm going to faint
I'm overwhelmed with sexy
to ....much
I'm ok I'm ok
tell me what u guys think of Americans πŸ™ˆ
normal? πŸ˜‚
it's ok
what's up
going to 7nth period
lucky!!! πŸ˜‚
our school system is complicated though
yes off to work now
whoa okay πŸ˜‚
u aren't a hoe u and I r different
haha no I prefer being independent and on my own
yea r u
awesome 😺
mmmm on
u get out of school so quick
holly ?
did u make a new acc
I'm in class hbu
yep then I have to go to work
seriously ?!πŸ˜‚
lol hi
yes it's spirit week !!!
I'm so pepped up I have white face paint and I'm in all white
whole school gets together and gets pepped up
to get siked or excited
what's wrong
oh lol
yea it's 6:00 but it's the only time I can tlk to u so r u ok lol
fr ?
meaning r u for real ok or just saying that
holly or Amy? I don't like Shawn holly can do better like way way better
it looks the same u can't tell a difference
how can I tell when it's Amy and when it's you
ohh πŸ˜‚
didn't know u were still sharing account
that's really you? πŸ˜‘
omg at work this British guy came and asked me for help and when he left I turned to my co worker and I was like did u hear his accent she said yes blushed and then laughed β€οΈπŸ™ˆ
that's not possible u can't have a sexy face and sexy accent
wow then you are beautiful
u have it all
stop frowning ! I'm complimenting u
u don't it was sarcasm I mean u might
I just said that bc u were pretty and had an accent
and your a good friend
yes u are if u weren't I wouldn't have threatened Sean πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ
oops well he is a huge flirt and I pretty much said hurt u guys I will hurt him . I don't like guys like that they get on my nerves
I was just at church everyone thought I was really young and I was like nope I'm in my third year of high school
r u ok
ok good :)
I'm good r u