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There is a problem,there are in fact many problems, there is no doubt about it. But instead of doing something to solve those issues, you choose to restrict the rights of those most affected by the issues. The overturning of Roe Vs. Wade does not just affect women, it doesn’t just affect people with uteruses, it effects everyone. Roe is an umbrella case which deals with the right to privacy, access to medical care and other essential rights. To people who do not think this affects them I am warning you that this is only the beginning. They have made it clear that they take no issue in dwindling down our rights far past the bare minimum. there are people starving, being shot in schools and grocery stores, denied life saving medical procedures, being stripped of their rights because they are a person of color or gay or a woman. This is not pro life, this pro control over the people. If you think that these people legitimately care about life then I suggest you do some reading. know your rights, know how you can access the care you need, if you can help others please do, politicians do not need your money, local clinics and funds do. This is only the beginning and we can not stand for it
this has enacted laws in several states that now make getting an abortion illegal including in cases of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. These complications are completely out of the mothers control. abortions are life saving procedures. regardless of if it is medical necessary or not. the right to bodily autonomy is fundamental. becoming a parent is a choice a choice that we are being stripped of. you are seriously telling me that an eight year old who got pregnant against her will should be forced to carry a child to term and then either be responsible for raising it or turn it over to a broken system where hundreds of thousands of children are mistreated and not properly cared for. your telling me that a someone who went through a horrific trauma should be forced to carry the child of their abuser. that a couple who has always wanted a child but finds out about a condition early on that the baby will not survive, should have to spend nine months growing a person they know will not survive. this is absurd and if you are not absolutely outraged you should be
This is awesome that you're speaking out about this :) keep it up