This one is actually mine but it sucks.😔 Any tips?


This one is actually mine but it sucks.😔 Any tips?

16 1
I think it's actually good!
little more practice and you'll be AWESOME!👍🏻😉
try multiple fonts and a couple little designs such as ....... or underlining just play around with everything until it is something you love
try using other apps
I'm glad you decided to change!
this is not terrible btw, it's way better than my first collage
if you need any help! I would be happy to help you
I knew you were a good person! Thank you
It's not bad! if this is your first collage it's really good! you'll get better as you go on :). All that aside... Newt 😭
decorations that a lot of people use! i could remix and have you collect the ones i have! try different fonts and make the backgrounds sort of pretty
really glad you're making your own collages!
a tip I would recommend would be look at some tutorial accounts, like bittersage, tutorialsbyc, greentutorials77, and there's many more out there! Find better pictures, on WeHeartIt there's really nice ones! And use different fonts!