Hey I'm Hunter 😊 I'm 14, single and crushing on Kylie from -Real-Life-Lovers- 😊 anyone know her? 😝


Hey I'm Hunter 😊 I'm 14, single and crushing on Kylie from -Real-Life-Lovers- 😊 anyone know her? 😝

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really! that's cool! she's super sweet
used to?
I've heard that she's in the studio 24/7 lately so she's not in much
do you want me to give you a shout out?
why would she hate you?
and sure that would be really nice!
I'm sure she doesn't hate you! Kylie's an amazing person and she's super forgiving so I'm sure she understands
u guys are so sweet
thxxxxxxx ❤️
hey peeps
thx and hey Julie 👋🏼
I'm good hbu
just hanging out at home, hbu?
music is the best! my best friend Kylie is recording a demo for island records!
yeah she talked a little about it on her account, her account is -Real-Life-Lovers-
I'm more of an Ed sheeran person than a band person but I like Ed sheeran and Shawn Mendes (only cause my like them and listens to them all the time 😂)
that's a really good song
and my favorite song is probably thinking out loud cause it reminds me of my best friend 😊
yeah I have this really loud speaker in my room that I'll play music on a lot
hmmmm, how about, what do you like to do for fun?
football, hockey, younow, and hanging out with my are pretty much everyday activities for me 😂
probably Harry Potter
yeah that's a good movie too
thx and no you're not
hmmmm, what's your favorite food?
probably pizza
blue or red, wbu?
yeah! (as a friend)
oh thx 😊
no I'm not but I like someone, but she doesn't like me back
no but someone can if they want to
you can if you want
no she's not but you can get to her account from my second post, she commented on that
or I can have her follow you
she said she followed you a second ago
yeah but she has a boyfriend and she loves him a lot so it'll probably never happen
maybe but they're really in love so..
how do you know?