Admin: hey guys Alice's and Nicks wedding is today.


Admin: hey guys Alice's and Nicks wedding is today.

3 0
Wind:Are my OC's invited?
Admin: Yes
Nick: *Blushes*
Alice:* is also blushing*
Nick: *Looks at Alice*
Alice: * looks back at nick*
Nick: *Hugs Alice*
Alice:* hugs back*
Nick: *Kisses his cheek* Hehe
Alice:* blushes and kisses his nose*
Sind:*Snaps and the people appear* Astrid:Eyo! Blake:Hi. Fox:Hello. Kriss:HIIIIII
Alice: hey
Nick: *Nervous*
Nick: Hi
Alice: * is very nevouse* hey
Nick: *About to faint*
Alice:* steadies Nick*
Boiz just get married aready 😒
Alice: soon
Ok fiiinnneee......
Blake:So... Never been to a wedding... cool. Astrid:*Pokes Blake* BE MORE EXCITED! Kriss:*Laughs*
Nick: *Faints*
Alice: Fxck the weddings in twenty
Nick: ....
Alice:* holds him in my arms and kisses his forhead*
Nick: *Breathing heavy*
Alice:* try's to wake him up *
Nick: *Wakes up*
Alice: weddings in twenty you can't faint now
Nick: Sorry just so many people
Alice: I know. the wedding is starting
Nick: *Scared* okay
Alice: well let's go
Nick: Okay