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"People regret not letting themselves be happier"


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People's number one regret in life is not letting yourself be happier. That sounds so simple, right? Do more things that make you happy, right? Not that easy. How do we make it easier? How do we not have that regret?
It's not simple to just be happier. Smile at yourself in the mirror everyday, it releases feel good hormones. Wear those jeans you feel so comfortable in even if you think you're going to be judged. Let people judge you. They don't know you. You're just being happy. That person, you know who I'm talking about, that person who always degrades you. That person who always picks on you. That person who bothers you beyond belief. Get rid of them. Period. You'll feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. Surround yourself with good people. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about being you. Bake. Try that recipe out that looks really good. Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated will help you feel good about yourself. Eat! Always eat. Your cells are trying so hard to take care of you, give back and give it some nourishment. Go on a run. Exercise and movement make you feel good. Even if it's the last thing you want to do, when you finish your work out you'll be in such a good mood. Be nice to yourself. Take care of yourself. You're so beautiful and deserve to be happy. So go out there, be you and be happy. Work on a happier, healthier you. I love you so so so much💕
thanks!! i needed this so much
^ same