


10 1
do you simp for fictional characters too cause I noticed your pfp is Peter from marvel and I’m a huge simp for him😅
also can I give you a shoutout cause your account is amazing and I think more people should know about it
You just made my day! and yes i do simp for peter he is my boy! i
i would love a shoutout! your so sweet <3
i just wanna say i love your recent post btw its so good!
aww you’re amazing I’m gonna go make your shoutout collage I’m gonna put Peter on it he’s so adorable
yess thank you! <3 you so nice
the people I’ve met on here are so much nicer than the ones I met in person
ikr i feel welcomed here <3
what should I do for my next one?
um what are ur fandoms? or favorite singers