But why should i be scared cause im a girl? What idiots voted for trump? Did they not hear trump saying girls are lazy, the sexual assault claims? Its not a coincidence. America im afraid has once again gone backwards. Good luck with tha


-CLICK PLEASE- But why should i be scared cause im a girl? What idiots voted for trump? Did they not hear trump saying girls are lazy, the sexual assault claims? Its not a coincidence. America im afraid has once again gone backwards. Good luck with tha

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-CLICK PLEASE- But why should i be scared cause im a girl? What idiots voted for trump? Did they not hear trump saying girls are lazy, the sexual assault claims? Its not a coincidence. America im afraid has once again gone backwards. Good luck with that wall and once again the country will realise their mistake when its too late.
First of all, I like the message of this, aside from trashing Trump. And it looks good too. But I'm sure that Trump will behave appropriately. None of this surfaced until he became a serious candidate in the election. And I know Catholic can be very strict; my dad was raised Catholic, my grandfather still is Catholic. I don't support LBGT community, although I don't try to harm them in any way. But the wall in Mexico is simply to keep illegal immigrants from Mexico out. That does seem a bit extreme, and people have said that they could just heighten border patrol, but it's not as easy as it sounds. He's just trying to do what's best for the country. And please think about this: imagine all the Mexican immigrants that were against Trump, if they were following the election. They couldn't vote because they weren't American citizens, because they CAME ILLEGALLY. Trump has his faults, yeah. But he tried to do what he thinks is best and most moral for this country. He doesn't support LBGT because he's conservative, and I am also conservative. Bit anyways, the election's over, and you have your opinion about it. I won't try to change your mind about it 😄 You have your opinion and I have mine.
thanks for the spam!!!✌🏼️✌🏼️❤️❤️
I know we have our own opinions but im trying to open peoples eyes of the mistake they just made. Trump said it himself that if he was to run for president the republicans would believe anything he said and he'd win. Look what happened.
np! thanks for the spam back!
no problem!
this is so true i was really upset when i heard trump was president
me too!
my family and I are against trump but that big paragraph does make sense about the big wall but I still don't get why he's racist and says all that stuff about women