my two babies mean the WORLD to me ;) 🐢 
poor poor machito lindo he hasn't eaten in 4 days and i dont know whats wrong with him :( we took him to the vet and the heartworm test was negative tho πŸ‘πŸΌ


my two babies mean the WORLD to me ;) 🐢 poor poor machito lindo he hasn't eaten in 4 days and i dont know whats wrong with him :( we took him to the vet and the heartworm test was negative tho πŸ‘πŸΌ

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you are so prettyy!!!!πŸ’šπŸ’š and they are so cute aww
awwwwwwww so cute the little doggy’s so cute you look so preatty cami also is that ur sister also milky is so tiny may I ask what breed is milky and macho and how old is micky cause there breed is black and white they look like border collies a little bit I know there not tho cause I live on a farm with 4 border collies they are working dogs and the youngest one he is a puppyy cause our other dog meg had puppies in July and in July in Australia is winter and she had them on the coldest day ever in July so she had 7 but only 4 survived and we sold 3 and kept 1 his name is Stubbs cause it was so cold they lost the end of there tails so that why we called him Stubbs cause he had a stubby tail but now it’s grown back he is 6 months and so cute 🐢🐢
I meant micky not milky sorry
they mean the world to me tooπŸ’—πŸ₯Ί
i hope he gets better soon 🀧
so cute !
I hope macho gets better soon πŸ˜”
Aww I hope he gets better soon
I have to take my dogs to the vet today but it’s only a checkup
also I just have to point out that my vet has the same chart as the one behind you πŸ˜‚
awww poor macho πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­ give my best wishes and hugs to him πŸ₯ΊπŸ’—