Her collages suck


Her collages suck

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I f**king hate haters
ur literally the only one who hates her soooo
u need to stop
feel better
Uh.. I'm sorry but you're wrong. No one hates her except you. Haters gonna hate though..
um... weird haters collage. DON'T HATE
πŸ˜’another hate-page, bravo idiotπŸ‘ you just leave her alone😀 okay bish, I'm done talking to you, you talk to me I won't respond. Got that?πŸ˜’I hate haters
what's your password, I want to post something on there thx
dont be a hater! dont judge a book by its cover
you do realize that the more you hate on her, the more people are going to follow her and defend her right? or are you just plain stupidπŸ€”πŸ™„
Eww...it's a bully
u r such a bully. do u know what you are horrible and your collages suck
if you REALLY don't like her, kill herπŸ’€ with kindness😊
who collage
..then why was my collage featured?!😸
just... if you're jealous of her, try MAKING DECENT COLLAGES instead of HATING
people should just make a vanilla-hatepage hatepage to see how this person likes it
please stop this! please stop bullying!
I am usually very positive, but this is just mean and wrong!
She never did anything to deserve this idiot! Please please stop, don't you see how wrong and horrible this is??? There isn't a point to do this even. All every collage is gonna say "vanilla is so weird!" all you are gonna get back is a bunch of hate. Just STOP
well you will be getting blocked!!!
Look who's talking,you know what YOU'RE the one who's collages suck and you're the one making urself look like a loser.And honestly,everyone that follows you.
Fine you know what.Read all these comments.How do you feel?Is this what you wanted?People calling you idiot,loser,bully?Then u got it.Ya happy now?No?Well it's not gonna stop until you stop ya selfish hater.
No don't do that
you are very rude! what if someone made a hate page about you?
I'm blocking you right now. Here: I got this from you: "I hate Vanilla hate page. Her collages suck.
And also, I looked in your likes and you liked two of --Vanilla--'s. What the heck?!?!
you have very boring sentences...and terrible sentence structure...plus I follow vanilla so don't be hating. I don't know if you're doing this as a joke or because your jealous of her or maybe because you're a terrible person in general. You need to stop. Its petty and stupid.
I hate --Vanilla--hatepage and so does everybody else, they should delete their account and piccollage and never come back
you said you hate her collages?? well at least she doesn't use them to hate on people and try to ruin their lives!
I'm so tired of seeing these hate pages on piccollage bc that's not what's it's supposed to be about! I scroll through accounts seeing all these hate pages and it's just not right!
who is vanillas
wold you just stop hating her
LONG PARAGRAPH ALERT!! Imagine if you were --vanilla-- and someone was saying such horrible thing about you, your account should be deleted ect. Some people spend ages making their collages perfect and people like you come along and give them so much hate!! Find something better to do with your time and if you get kicked of picollage well it's your fault! Now I've said enough sort out your attitude!!!!!!!!!!
You are just a jealous jerk that wants to be like --vanilla--!!!! You should stop hating!!!!!!!!! Imagine if you were --vanilla-- and I was your hate page!!! How would you like to be cyber bullied?!?! You are such a big fat jerk!!!!!!!!!!
why do u hate me?😭
stop making stupid hate pages!!!
and please don't follow meβœ‹πŸ»
I hate --vanilla--hatepage and so does everyone else pleases just delete piccollage because we don't have time for low life haters and please unfollow I don't want idiots like you following me
congrats u r my 1400 follower so u win a spam
u r duvet bullying
this is not very nice. even tho I do not know vanilla in person, her collages are good. so u need to stop this rite now or I am going to block u....pls stop now
I'm blocking right now and if u keep this up I'll report everyone of your collages
kindly unfollow me, and please stop. this is not necessary. this is not funny. this has no point. you can be doing something better. stop wasting your time.
leave piccollage
no body hates --vanilla-- except you!
IM DONE!! I am blocking u bc you did not make the right decision
plz unfollow me! oh btw stop bullying and maybe YOU should leave PicCollage!
hellooooooooo..... get a life...... hate pages are gonna be up EVERYWGERE about YOUUUUUUUUUU YESSSSS YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! I'm not afraid to stand up for --vanilla-- at least she makes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better collages than YOU!!!!!!!!! like PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ JUST GET A LIFE!!!!!! wanna live a happy,life?????? actually GET A LIFE...........like....seriouslyπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„just leave --vanilla-- alone!!!!!!!!! u know you COULD BE DOING SOMETHING USEFUL!!!!!!!!????? that it!!!!!im done with you!!!!!!!BLOCKING YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!SEE HOW U FEEL WHEN SOMEONE PUTS UP A HATEPAGE BOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if that sounded harsh.....but it was kinda suppose to
Merher nah if you listen closely, you can hear me bit caring. Quit being a bully
awwwwww!! The baby's crying! Quick gimme the baby food I think it's hungry for attention πŸ˜‚ I think we should go see a doctor hun, I'm sure we can find a way to get your collages feautured, right? That's what you want cute little crybaby? Get a feautured collage? Just like --vanilla--? Awww!πŸ˜‚
hate on me instead πŸ™„
I am blocking you.
i saw that i was following u.U had nu point of making this go back onto ur mom breast feeding uβ€οΈπŸ‘‹