Only Evan, Sierra, and Lily are the only ones who can chat on this post


Only Evan, Sierra, and Lily are the only ones who can chat on this post

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what's up Evan
^^^i hate you Evan ello and yolo is my thing
lily, why do you hate Evan!
he stole my words
I'm in vocal for now then I'm in social studies
*flips hair*
*tackles him*
you guys are so weird
*punches him*
lily, don't tell Evan that still like him😊
Evan, people said that you called a bîtch, slût, and you called me ugly af
idk people told me that and I said Evan would never say that and I told him my crush wouldn't say that about me
it was probably LIAM il have a talk with him
I know
yeah yeah yeah yeah
*sprays whipped cream*
I'm going to be off for now so I can get my study guide done but I will be right back
bye it's second period now
*falls down then throws a pie*
*slimes evan* ttyl
hey I'm back
just had lunch
I chatted on this.......savage 😂😂😂😂ok I will stop
you can chat on this