Collage by SophLoaf72


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YOUREšh îíttîññg ME! i’m balling literally balling.😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😣😣😣😣😣😣
NOW ALL I HAVE IS YOU! which is t bad i promise but i feel my heart has been stabbed
now i’ll never get to meet her. all she ever was was be kind to me. why did she leave
IM ff ùùččkkïínñggg flipping out!!!😰
i’m in so much emotional pain. thank you so much,<3 we WILL meet
thanks...yes she did have hate:( it broke my heart. but people throw shade at things that shine! i told her that.
i understand her leaving. i wouldn’t have been strong enough...but
thanks um here for you too
thank you my friend actually. and wow. i can’t even. i didn’t even know. my friend died too. :( he’s the one who
told me that when i was getting abused. great now i’m crying again.....sorry
i wish she knew i understood. whether it would’ve made a difference or not
love you too. eternity, we’re in it together