Tried something new! What do you think? (I had to delete so much of this collage to get under 30 scraps!)


Tried something new! What do you think? (I had to delete so much of this collage to get under 30 scraps!)

157 0
wow I love it!! how did u get the pic like that?
that's all u did!? wow it turned out awesome
whoa cool! hey u wanna work on our collab now since we're both on?
sure, mine is TwinsterMT
oh my god
this is the most prettiest collage I have ever layed eyes on. I am literally crying
😍😍😍😍😍I hate it when your almost finished with your college and your going to finish some final details but it doesn't letπŸ˜’πŸ˜’
LOVE THIS? And the third books out already?
I didn't mean to put a question mark after LOVE THIS, it's supposed to be an exclamation point!!!!!πŸ˜‚
I really like this!
Thanks :) I really love this, it turned out great. The scrap limit is driving me crazy too πŸ˜‘
please enter my contest!
great message